Hi me and my partner are IP and would love the chance to become loving parents by haveing Involvement of a surrogate to our baby as I can no longer carry a baby due to medical reasons of having a hysterectomy and my partner as no children off his own it would be the most beautiful gift for use to love and cherish for the rest off our lives together as a family .And a incredible gift that any surrogate can gift to a family who can not have a family for them self is the most beautiful thing any woman or man can do to help others out x❤️
I’m a loveing and a carrying person who love a laugh and share my life filled with happiness and I love children and I just want to give my love off my life the one thing he as not got that I my self can not give him and that a baby that we both can love and cherish together for the rest off our day .Xx
I’m writing this hopeing that someone can find it in there hearts to help me and my partner to for full our lives with a little gift from you to use to become a little family off our own to love and cherish and spoil .as I can not carry the Bungle of joy for myself due to having a hysterectomy .it would be the happiest day off our life *** would love any nice email from you surrogate mums
Hi Angels Friend s.r.o based in Prague (Czech Republic) provides service to couples seeking fertility treatment. Arrangement of the treatment can be made in Czech Republic or in Ukraine. We have surrogates ready to start the journey straight away. Contact us today by visiting our website, typing (Angels Friend s.r.o) on google for further information. Looking forward to hearing from you.