I had my daughter and found out I had cervical cancer stage three, they had to remove my womb but my ovaries stayed in tact without any damage , I have found the most amazing man and I'm truly blessed to have him and we decided that we want to add a edition to our family , I never thought after 13 years I would have a chance at maybe adding to my family and I'm looking forward to it.
I'm most probably to honest at times ,extremely giving I have a passion for kids and love everything about being a mother.
I'm looking for someone who can walk this road with us and give us a chance at expanding our family this would truly be a gift to us and pray that God will send us someone. There is so much i can say my heart yearns for a baby so many days i find my thoughts drifting to a dream where i can hold a little one and give them so much love i wish i could say more but its so difficult to put into words what is in ones heart.