Bicouse I am a gay person it's very difficult to have a "normal" family in Germany.
Hello! I am Alex I have 25 years old, living in Germany, Berlin. I am working Al's nurse and I dream to have a child, it's very hard or impossible to have that dream become true. But I still have hope maby i will find somebody here to help me.
If you like my profile please text me. And let's meet to have a coffee. I will really like to know you better to make you my best frend, bicouse what you are doing for me, its imposibel in my world! :×
let s discuss about your surrogacy plan
Hello! 💕 A surrogate mother or an egg donor for you.We can make a program in Cyprus or anywhere.Really looking forward to your reply.Write to the mail: *** 💌 Viber, Watsapp: phone *** Write, I do not speak English, I write through an interpreter.
Ich grüße Sie, Mein Name ist Liudmyla Ich bin der Gründer einer Agentur in der Tschechischen Republik.Unsere Agentur organisiert und koordiniert den Leihmutterschaftsprozess.