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Vicki, Intended Parent in Wuhan, China

Member Type
Intended Parent
Date Registered
4 years ago
Profile Updated
4 years ago
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4 years ago
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Intended Parent from Wuhan, China.

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Miracle Baby Surrogacy, Surrogacy Agency
Commented on April 3rd, 2020 01:39PM [EDT]
Hi Vicki,
With 10 years of experience in venture fertilization, constantly improving services and 90% success rate, we host hundreds of patients from China, USA, Turkey, Japan, Germany, Israel, Georgia, UK, India and many more countries every year.We have direct connections with leading clinics in Georgia and Cyprus. Here are both Georgian and foreign doctors and professors who are recognized throughout the world. We offer World Standards for Infertility Diagnostics and Treatment, egg donatiom and surrogacy programs for couples and single patients, HIV patients, gender selection and genetic screening of embryos (PGS), Legalized Contracts System, Individual coordinator for every patient, Complete Confidentiality and Modern Comfort Conditions, legally flexible environment. We offer an excellent database of surrogate mothers and egg donors.No waiting line! Although we are based in Tbilisi, Georgia, our surrogates are ready to fly abroad for delivery, as well as donors from Georgia, Ukraine, Russia, Turkey, Thailand and China are engaged in travelling programs in Cambodia, Thailand and China. Dedicated and experienced team is ready for face to face meeting, assist in selecting approproate program for you and lead whole process transparantly providing all reports of checkings.Your success is our main goal! Contact us right now and get detailed information about programs, legal side, medical part.We make your journey unforgettable with comfortable and family atmosphere! Contact information *** *** *** ***
Елена, Surrogate Mother
Commented on March 3rd, 2020 02:58PM [EDT]
The surrogate mother ,
Hi! A surrogate mother for you.Write to the mail: ***
Елена, Surrogate Mother
Commented on March 3rd, 2020 02:58PM [EDT]
The surrogate mother ,
Hi! A surrogate mother for you.Write to the mail: ***
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