So when I was 18 I was diagnosed with cervical cancer, by the time I finally got the operation 8months later it had spread so everything was removed. To say I was devastated would be an under statement. So hopefully that’s where you come in.I need a surrogate willing to donate one of her own eggs.
I’m a very loving and caring person, my partner is a hard working man and we want for nothing.Apart from children. I’ve rescued horses from cruelty and the slaughter house.I rescued my dog from a puppy farm she was a breading bitch.I have so much kindness in my heart and I have so much to give My partner is amazing so caring and very understanding about my bits being broken lol
The only two things I wanted to be was a wife and a mother.This dec *** I will be a wife can you help me become the mother I know in my heart I was meant to be.
Hello! 💕 Surrogate mother or an egg donor for you.We can make a program in Cyprus or wherever you want.
Hello! 💕 Surrogate mother or an egg donor for you.We can make a program in Cyprus or wherever you want.
Hi am a mother of two children and ready to help you.
It's great to give the opportunity to live the baby and bring happiness to the family.