I am unable to have children due to my Grave's disease. It won't kill me however it keeps my from being able to have regular hormones, cycles, and ovulate.
I would describe my husband and I as funny and serious. We complement each other very much. He is the funny one who likes to tell jokes and be silly, where I am the organized and serious get it done one. Those roles are switched at times, where I can be funny and he can be serious, but we both always know that everything in our lives with get done and we will have fun doing it
Dear surrogate, I can not explain to you the love and respect we have for you. This journey has been a hard one for us and we could never thank you enough or sing your praises enough for being able to help us with this wonderful miracle. How do you thank another person for such a selfless act? You can't thank them enough. We hope that we will become like family and enjoy this journey together. Get to know each other and support each other through this difficult but wonderful time. You are the one to make this all happen and no matter what you do or where you are in life , you will always be loved by us.