having a child and becoming a mother has been my dream for the longest times just to have that bundle of joy depending on you to love them and take care of them for as long as you can to be there no matter what to love him or her with everything you have and more... We are a lesbian couple having a baby is not that easy and adoption and invetro are so expensive I never thought it would be so defficult just to become the one thing I'm pretty sure I'm born to be it breaks my heart to think its al depends on what I'm saying to get a doner... or someone to help me... or not to judge me because I can't afford invetro or adoption... if I could I would.
we are a really funny and loveing family... we love to play around and have a lot of laughs... always seeking new ways to have a smile on each other faces... we work hard to get where we are... we are a couple that loves to camp and drive around... have a sunday iceream or a family picnic...
sperm donor
Hi If you guys are keen and still searching - and doing this for free to help.
Hi, I am successful qualified Indian donor. Donated to many needy persons through both
Hi Stephana, I am healthy and successful donor through both means AI and NI. For visitors as well. I am 38 and have had 10 year experience in this.
Sparm donor