We have had multiple miscarriages, and after going through all of the recurrent pregnancy loss panels, we have yet to find answers why. We do not want to lose any more of our embryos and feel as though this is the best option, after talking to our doctors and family about it.
My personality is someone who is outgoing and can make friends with anyone. I have been told that I do not have a mean bone in my body, but I will stand up for what I think is right. I am very determined and always driven to do what people say I can’t.
My husband and I are highschool sweethearts. We are 31 and 30 years old. Our profession has not been impacted financially due to COVID, because we both work in the education field and have great stable jobs. For half of our lives we have been supporting each other through all aspects of our education and career. We have always dreamed of having children together. After having multiple miscarriages we have become a stronger couple and more determined to have our family. We have five PGS healthy frozen embryos as of right now. We have been married for almost seven years now and the only thing missing in our fairy tale is a child. As a couple we have traveled and explored and we are so excited to give our child the same experiences we have. Having struggled to have children has made us appreciate the wonderful gift of having children, and just want to experience that and we are so ready to start a family. The relationship we want to have with you is up to you. You can be involved or not, whatever you choose. We have dreamed about this since we were juniors in highschool, and know that we are going to make awesome parents. We live in Harrisonburg, Virginia and would prefer the GS to be in Virginia, but we are open to states that surround us. Also, we are open to talk about financing and pricing and we are very flexible. Thank you for the opportunity to allow us to be parents.
Hello! 💕 Surrogate mother or an egg donor for you. We can make a program in Cyprus or wherever you want. Really looking forward to your answer💌
Hello! 💕 Surrogate mother or an egg donor for you. We can make a program in Cyprus or wherever you want. Really looking forward to your answer💌