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Yolandi, South African Intended Parent in Gauteng, South Africa

Member Type
Intended Parent
South Africa
Date Registered
3 years ago
Profile Updated
3 years ago
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Intended Parent from Gauteng, South Africa.

Looking to Connect With
Surrogate Mothers

My Couple Type
Single Woman

Marital Status

My Age

My Nationality

My Race

My Religion

My Spoken Language(s)


My Education

I'm Willing to Travel

Number of Children (non surrogate)

I've Had a Surrogate/Donor Before

Number of Surrogate Children

Prefer Surrogates/Donors Ages

I've Budgeted for Surrogacy Expenses

Prefer Surrogates/Donors of these Nationalities
South African

Prefer Surrogates/Donors from
South Africa

Explain your reasons for wanting a surrogate/donor:

I am unable to have children. I've been trying since early 20's. Struggled with severe endometriosis, had laparoscopy after laparoscopy and it just returned time after time. I have tried IVF, that unfortunately did to succeed and due to low egg reserves and low quality of eggs I could not preserve any for future use. A year after IVF I fell pregnant, but within the first few weeks it was an emergency laparoscopy again due to ectopic pregnancy that damaged the one remaining ovary. A few years later I had to get an emergency hysterectomy due to malignant cells (of which I am thankful to be cleared).

How would you best describe yourself(s):

How do one describe oneself? I have asked some family and friends to give me a few key sentences to help. I love and care for others, even if it mean losing a piece of myself. I am courageous and fearless even when I'm silently afraid. Im never afraid to take a leap of faith into a challenge, despite potential obstacles. I have endured hardship and never surrendered, but carry the scars as a badge of strength and honor. And a note from a family member (although in Afrikaans) Wie is Lan? Sy's die mens wie jy ten alle tye op kan staatmaak, of dit dag, middernag, vroegoggend ure is, sy's maar net altyd daar. Sy het lief in oorvloed - waar woorde te min raak, loop dit oor in haar dade. Sy is die persoon by wie jy wysheid, raad en terselfdertyd aanvaring kry. Ek dink nie ek het al ooit geoordeel gevoel by haar nie. Lan is hardwerkend, selfgedrewe tot n punt wat my soms laat wonder en jaloers voel - alles in n goeie sin, natuurlik! Sy die persoon saam wie jy die beste tye van jou lewe sal hê oordat jy so spontaan en avontuurlustig is! Vrygewigheid en goedheid is twee klein deeltjies wat diep in haar DNA lê, mens kan dit nie altyd beskryf nie, maar mens sien en voel dit as jy om haar is. Sy is die mens na wie een verlang as jy op n lang trips gaan, graag n stukkie koek wil gaan eet, n liedjie saam wil sing. Sy's die tipe mens wat diep spore in een se hart trap waar geen ander voet of skoen ooit daardie area sal kan volstaan nie. Sy is betroubaar, met jou hart, jou geheime en jou lewe. Sy is iemand met hopeloos te veel geduld as dit by mense kom. Sy is sag maar direk, n eienskap wat baie min mense het, en wat mens waardeer. Sy is definitief sterk in wie sy is as vrou, onafhanklik emosioneel, vol vreugde en goeie lag maar nogsteeds nederig. Lan laat my altyd dink aan 'Hoop', want dis wie sy is, positief, optimisties, vol lewenslus, gedrewe, en sien altyd uit na môre al staan daar n berg voor haar! Sy is Hoop! Wie is Lan? Die een sonder wie ek nie my lewe kan indink nie.

Use this space to communicate a letter to potential Surrogates/Donors:

Dear Potential Surrogate I hope that you have read my story and that someone out there might be able to help me. The one thing I have lacked for years in my life is having a child of my own. Ive had problems since early age in my life, and it was not due to a lack of trying or because of living a bad life. I am just one of the unfortunate women that just cannot do this without the help of someone. I have all the love in the world to give to a child, but not child to give it to. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope that I will find someone to help me. Thank you. Yolandi

South Africa

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Rachel, Surrogate Mother
Commented on July 19th, 2021 06:19PM [EDT]
Hello Im rachel carol,mother of 2 healthy kids(first born on the profile picture ,hes called Dylan),im kenyan,27years and married,im willing to be a surrogate for your sake if you dont mind.im familiar with the journey and my pregnancies have been smooth with no complication,no epidural and moreover normal deliver for both pregnancies.im praying you succed with the process,
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