Obviously we cannot have children without help.We found a great egg donor in Canada, who helped us in the "first chapter" of the journey.And now we are looking for a great surrogate for the "second chapter". We both always wanted children.We talked about it right at the start of our relationship seven years ago and we never let the goal out of sight.Without COVID we would have started earlier.
We are a German same sex couple.We met seven years ago in *** then Christoph was 28 and Dennis was 35, therefore today we are 35 and 42.We moved together in *** and married in *** Christoph studied business economics and works as a senior project manager in a company providing services to cooperative saving banks. Dennis studied law and has worked as a family lawyer for a couple of years before he was elected mayor of the city we live in. For us it is our weekly routine to go to the local farmer’s market on the market square to shop locally and talk to people. Christoph loves to read historical novels while Dennis never gets tired to read about new developments in the world.We both enjoy gardening a lot.
Thanks a lot for your interest in us! We know, that finding a surrogate is not a given. We are looking for a trusting und lasting relationship.It was very important for us to find an egg donor, who was willing to play the role of a "distant aunt", so that the children always know where they came from.Even though the Atlantic ocean will always between us, we are looking for a surrogate as well, who is willing to stay in touch (Christmas, Birthdays, …). In the last three years we refurbished our *** year old building in consultation with the state conservation agency, so that the heart and soul of the house stays intact.Now that we finished that task, we live in a way too big house for just two people: so the nest is built. We hope to be able to fill that nest soon and are looking for a kind-hearted woman, who is willing to help us. Christophs twin-brother and his wife had a beautiful baby boy in May *** and Dennis’ sister has a 18 year old son and a 14 year old daughter, in whose upbringing Dennis was heavily involved since they only live *** meters away.So we know what are getting ourselves into 🙂 Our families support us in every way possible.Dennis’ mother and stepfather live *** meters away, his sister *** meters.Christophs parents are willing to support us, too.Since his mother is retired she already offered to support us heavily especially in the first few months. We have fourteen embryos ready to go (half of them PGT-A-tested)!
Hi Dennis. My name is Elena, and for several months now I have been looking to become the carrier for another's family child.
Im here! Only for gay couples ❤️
Good morning, Angels Friend is a respectable surrogacy based in Prague. Guaranteed program are offered and can be done in the Kenya, Czech Republic, (Ukraine) and Cyprus. Egg donation, embryo donation, surrogacy… is provided to married and unmarried couple, to single man and single woman.
Surrogate mother💌 Hello! 💕 A surrogate mother or egg donor for you. We can put together a program anywhere.
Hi, My name Sacha. I have had 3 very healthy, and uncomplicated pregnancies and natural births. I would love to be your surrogate and take this journey with you guys.
Hello! 💕 A surrogate mother . We can put together a program in Cyprus or anywhere. Looking forward to your reply💌
Доброго дня, Меня зовут Анна) Могу помочь вам стать родителями.На данный момент проживаю в Праге С уважением Анна 🤗
Surrogate mother
Hello! 💕 A surrogate mother or egg donor for you. We can put together a program in Cyprus or anywhere.
No tengo ningún problema en viajar claro esta si están de acuerdo puedo ser tu donante de óvulos escribeme soy una mujer sin vicios sana no fumo