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Su, Canadian Intended Parent in Alberta, Canada

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Intended Parent
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Intended Parent from Alberta, Canada.

Looking to Connect With
Surrogate Mothers

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Heterosexual Couple

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Su, Intended Parent
Commented on July 16th, 2021 05:25AM [EDT]
Need help to have a sibling for my 6 months son
We are really lucky to have our son, who is 6 months now. He has brought us so much joy and love. However, I had really bad luck during delivery. I have lost 2 times of my full blood volume and end up in ICU for a while. I had to have 2 other surgeries right after delivery and end up losing my uterus. We always wanted kids and wanted to have a sibling for my son because we want him to feel the support and love from his sibling like we had. However, I am not able to carry any more babies by myself. Luckily, we are getting to know surrogacy and learned that many women are very very generous and kind to help people who are not able to have kids. So, I am looking for a surrogate mom to help my son to have a sibling. So the kids can grow up together and always support each other during their journey of life. Really appreciate all the surrogate moms here offering to help others, this is such a great gift that you will give to other family. This is the most beautiful thing, you will make one's life and family complete. You will bring a lifetime of happiness and memories to the family.
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