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Ordian, Canadian Intended Parent in Alberta, Canada

Member Type
Intended Parent
Date Registered
3 years ago
Profile Updated
3 years ago
Last Login
2 years ago
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Intended Parent from Alberta, Canada.

Looking to Connect With
Surrogate Mothers

My Couple Type
Heterosexual Couple

Marital Status

My Age

My Nationality

My Race

My Religion

My Spoken Language(s)


My Education

I'm Willing to Travel

Number of Children (non surrogate)

I've Had a Surrogate/Donor Before

Number of Surrogate Children

Prefer Surrogates/Donors Ages

I've Budgeted for Surrogacy Expenses

Prefer Surrogates/Donors from

Explain your reasons for wanting a surrogate/donor:

I have been trying to have children for over 15 years. I have struggled with uterine fibroid, having done over 7 surgeries which left me with a scarred uterus. I have tried having children via IVF, having done 2 IVF and 2 IUI treatments without success

How would you best describe yourself(s):

I am a very kind, jovial and passionate person. Goal oriented. When I put my mind to something I like to see it through. Good listener and try to give positive feedback as to how to improvement whether it be work related or personally. I always try to see the best in others.

Use this space to communicate a letter to potential Surrogates/Donors:

Hello potential Surrogate, I value family. Being a parent, I think is the greatest responsibility we can undertake. Having a child would give me so much joy. I am longing to be able to hold, feed, bath, read to and take my child to the park. I would like to acknowledge what an amazing gift a gestational carrier is willing to give. I would feel so fortunate to be able to participate in a partnership that will give me one of life's greatest blessings. The child will understand the incredible gift that you/surrogate birth mother has given and what a different this gift has made in my life.


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