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Nathan, Intended Parent in Alberta, Canada

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Intended Parent
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2 years ago
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Intended Parent from Alberta, Canada.

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Nathan, Intended Parent
Commented on September 7th, 2022 09:10AM [EDT]
Single Straight guy, looking to have a son!
My name is Nathan, 24. I was born and raised in a Christian home and deeply desire to have a son and raise him to be respectful and giving, and loving person. since about 16 years old, I have felt a deep desire in my heart to have a son of my own, but would lovingly accept a daughter as well, should that be the case. Growing up, I've always tried to help kids and youth in my community with tutoring, or just being a big brother. Some of them went through some very hard times and with that, I really felt bad for them, and wished I could have helped more. I've always wanted a son of my own. Someone to love and care for, teach how to read and write, take out fishing and hunting and bind with. I recently broke up with my girlfriend unfortunately, as she moved across the country and didn't want to keep a long distance relationship, and with that, our plans to have kids one day. I know some may say 24 is too young to have a child, explore the world. But my deepest desire is to have a child to do that with. I see it as their not just my child, but also my best friend. And sharing my world with them and raising them to the best that I can is my only desire. I'm seeking a loving, easy going traditional surrogate between 21 and 30 who's willing to help. I see it as life is too short for someday. Make tomorrow a reality, today.
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