I have not seen how my own child looks like.Due to some complication in wife's health, we decided to adopt a child and we have a wonderful son as God's gift.I wish to see how my child will look like.I know the pain of not having a child.I would like to have a WIN-WIN but I will never pursue ownership of the child once born.
You may chat with me to get to know me before going into next step. Well educated (BSc in Mechanical Engineering) and successful in career - senior management level. Multiple awards for good engineering work. Very discipline. Loving person. Caring person.
As mentioned in earlier question, I only wish to see how my own son or daughter looks like.I have no intention to take ownership of the child in any circumstances in future and it will be govern in our documented agreements.You may contact me if need to further discuss anything in private.Drop me a message and I shall provide my mobile number. Sam Joseph is not my real name.Will provide my real name and picture if interested in engaging me as donor.Pls send me yr contact number or email so I can communicate with you on *** wasup
Sperm Donor