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Bright, Sperm Donor in Lagos, Nigeria

Member Type
Sperm Donor
Date Registered
1 year ago
Profile Updated
1 year ago
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Sperm Donor from Lagos, Nigeria.

Why I want to be a sperm donor:

I am not sure how much funds I would realize as a donor, but I am hoping I get enough cash to at least enrol for GRE and TOEFL exams, renew my expired passport and maybe get started with a data analytics program, my main reason signing up as a donor is for funds. My second reason is pretty weird. I am approaching my late 20s and I can literally count the number of times I have had sex, not sure if my being celibate is the reason why I still have wet dreams, I thought of it as a waste of sperm, so why not give what seem like something I am not currently in need of. To rephrase give out in exchange for money

Description of myself:

I'd like to say that I am the A guy, I am affectionate ( EMOTIONAL ), Adventurous,(like to try new things, new things, such as being a donor), I am also ambitious, I'd like an upgrade of my status quo, hence I put in the work to get the result I desire.

My letter to intended parents:

To the potential parents, This is Awkward because I am not sure what to actually write, best wishes and thanks for your patronage, cheers.


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