I cannot offer this world much, but I can offer another person or couple the magical experience of being a parent.
Congratulations! You have found a match! I am a 38 year old mother of 2 boys. I've had very smooth pregnancies and births with both of my children. My youngest is 9 & my oldest is 16. My children are my biggest treasure & my husband & I have been married for 18 years. We decided that when we were definitely done having our own children, that I could finally carry a baby for you. I absolutely loved every moment of being pregnant, and the opportunity to grow and carry your child for you is the most rewarding feeling ever. I hope that I can help to bring this special bond of parenthood to you. I wish you lots of love and luck in your surrogacy journey. I hope to hear from you soon.--Stephanie
Hi, are you still available? My email: ***
I would love to be able to talk to you. We aren't far from you and I'd love to see if we are a match! I look forward to hearing from you!!
very interested in talking with you about being a surrogate.Your generosity to people is inspiring.best way to reach me is through email at ***
Hi Stephanie, A good agency is a good way to start your first surrogacy journey.We educate you about the process and make sure that your journey is a safe and rewarding experience.Reach out by email: *** or Call/txt: *** Web: ***
Hi Stephanie, I sent you a private message.Please let me know if you received it.
Hello My husband and I are looking for a surrogate.We read your profile and we like it so far.Please contact us at *** Thank you Simona