I wanna give the parents the happiness that will change their life. The feeling of parenthood, the feeling that someone needs you loves you is greatest.
I am 28 y.o. Married happy housewife. My baby boy is 5 months old. I had an easy pregnancy with no complication. I had a natural labour and I would not accept a c- section as long as I can give birth it natural. I'm ready to be only gestional surrogate.I am an independent surrogate and wish to interact only with intendant parents.
I know we can become good friends with ntendant parents but I also wanna consider them as our 2nd family if I can carry for them their child. I'm willing to carry more then one baby for a one family.
Hello, I'm looking for a kind surrogate mother because I am not attracted to women. I'm rather an introvert, I personally don't live in a relationship. I have a very good relationship with my parents and I would like to raise my child with them, alone it would be too hard for me. My sister doesn't want children so I would like to make them happy, at least a little bit. :) Thanks for you response.
Looking for intended parents
Hi - I'm looking for surrogate mother.Please contact me moveezroman *** dotcom for further detials thanks
Hello, We are a cypriot couple and we looking for our frozen embryos a surrogate mother. Please contact us if you interesing for more details. Thank you
Buna, suntem o familie care nu poate face copii natural.
Dear , We are a couple from lebanon and looking for a surrogate mother." *** if you are interested please reply so we can discuss all details needed.Thank you
Bună ziua, Suntem un grup de studente masterande ale Școlii Naționale de Studii Polidice și Administrative, din București și dorim să facem o campanie de informare cu privire la maternitatea de substituție (mamele surogat/mamele purtătoare) în România.Înainte de a populariza acest subiect, credem că este necesar să avem și perspectiva persoanelor dispuse să devine mame surogat pentru cupluri sau persoane singure.Din acest motiv, vă contactăm pentru a vă solicita un interviu, personal sau telefonic, care va fi asigurat din punct de vedere al confidențialității, în care să ne oferiți părerea dumneavoastră personală asupra acestui fenomen, motivația și alte aspecte pe care le considerați importante.Fiecare interviu va fi platit cu suma de 50 lei.În cazul în care sunteți interesată să participați la această activitate, vă rugăm să ne contactați fie printr-un mesaje la adresele: *** sau *** fie prin telefon la numerele:
We are a couple married and trying for baby for more than 9 years naturally, with 5 IUI and with 5 IVF all fell. only you, our angel, can spread your wings to come to our rescue and give us the pleasure to be parent. Please help
hi, We are a french couple that try to have a babe for 5 years but....anyway now we would like to exchange with you to understand your reason and do the best to establish a correct relationship.We are not totaly aware about the legal side in romania and do not have a lawyer at this time.we just check the condition and restriction for you and for us.If you wish do contact us Aurelie and Olivier