I would to love become a surrogate mother to a deserving family.Their are so many people who try so hard to become parents and just can't.I was blessed with a beautiful little girl in *** and the love I have for her is unconditional, and I would love to help someone else to be able to feel and give that love to a child.
I am a working mother, and I spend all of my free time with my daughter.Family is important to me, and that is one of the biggest reason that I would love to be a surrogate mother.I would love to help someone add to or complete their family.
Hi, My husband an i are very much interested. If your still available can you email me. Mail so we can talk about it more? We also stay in Alabama
Hi. My wife (a nurse) and I (a teacher) are looking for a gestational surrogate.We have flown back and forth between Foley, Alabama and Miami, Florida to see the doctor. If so, what would be the timeline and costs (which we are prepared to pay) involved? I ask because we are prepared to begin as soon as possible.In vitro fertilization costs have been paid for as well as egg retrieval and (PGD) genetic testing of embryos among other requirements.They are frozen are prepared for implantation. Feel free to contact me anytime . Also, email me Thank you, Schuyler Huff
Hi I saw your profile and I am really excited.I wish you could help me build my family.I tried ivf 3x and did not conceived.Can you email me.