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L, American Surrogate Mother in Coos Bay, Oregon, USA

Member Type
Surrogate Mother
Coos Bay
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Date Registered
11 years ago
Profile Updated
9 years ago
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9 years ago
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Surrogate Mother from Coos Bay, Oregon, USA.

My Current Surrogacy Status is

Currently Working With Agency
Not Known

Im Willing to Help Couples of
Heterosexual Couple, Gay Couple, Lesbian Couple, Single Woman, Single Man

I Agree to these Surrogate Types

Number of Children (non-surrogate)
4 or more

Number of Surrogate Children




My Health is

My Spoken Languages

My Education is

I am a Smoker

I Have a Passport

Willing to Travel

My Blood Type is



Have You Been a Surrogate Before?

Marital Status
Single (no partner)

Why I want to be a surrogate mother:

I become pregnant very easily (first try). My FSH levels and ovulation cycle are higher than normal and on schedule, making planning for this kind of thing uncomplicated. I just had this tested recently and my hormone levels are high. I am 40 but just had a baby with no problem less than a year ago. My eggs are healthy and I've kept an above-average lifestyle to protect them--no smoking, only occasional drinking or none at all, and I've been both vegetarian and vegan in the past, and have high quality nutrition. My pregnancies were very comfortable, for the most part, and I had no morning sickness, which is rare. I was active and walked or ran everyday up to the end and I worked in a low-key job until 2 weeks before delivery. I take utmost care with regard to prenatal care. I would be happy to do this twice for parents if they want to try more than one pregnancy. I have all of the tools and knowledge for doing this "at-home" or specified location: speculum, test strips, syringe with catheter, and you need only to provide the sperm sample, either fresh or frozen-and-thawed. My opinion is that being pregnant is a natural state for a woman and part of a cycle of life--it is natural to have states of non-pregnancy and then being pregnant again, and my opinion is that it helps to preserve fertility longer, to have a few pregnancies. Because I'm interested in preserving my fertility for myself, I am also interested in the health benefits that would reward me for having a baby for you. I am also mindful of compensation or other perks that might come from being a surrogate, and I would want this to benefit my life and plans and my kids.

Description of myself:

My DNA has been sought after, that is for sure, and I am only thinking of being a TS if there is a good match with IPs. I have talents in athletics, music, art, and my personality is A type. I was asked to model when I was younger but I was too short except for in large cities, and I have done very well in all academics, when free to do this. I selected completed with college bc it is more accurate than 'finished high school' as I am only a few credits from a degree in English and then I have many more credits in addition, for a second major in Science. My intelligence level was assessed when I was a kid, at genius level, and I am conscientious about this process and hope that the outcome is very positive. I'm friendly, social, and I score as an ENFP/ENTP/INFP and throughout my life there has been no variance to this.

My letter to intended parents:

I am interested in being a T.S. without any agencies and on a more private level. This would mean A.I. done at-home, myself, in privacy, with either non-frozen or frozen and thawed sperm. I would prefer to have most prenatal care under our own direction or with a midwife, or a few prenatal visits, if desired by the IP(s), but I am also okay with a more natural approach and keeping out of clinics and hospitals until delivery or possibly with a midwife. In finding the right match, I would be happy to review what you are looking for. Please include your idea of compensation, if this is for commercial or altruistic surrogacy, what country you are from, and how you would like to have this structured. I can travel and I am insured with health coverage while in the U.S.

Coos Bay
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by L on July 03rd, 2015 under Surrogate Mother
I*** I do not support human cloning, human trafficking of children, forced prostitution of men or women, attempts to block free enterprise, and I do not support government intrusion into personal affa... Read more
Successful IVF
(1059) (0)
Successful IVF
by L on July 02nd, 2014 under IVF
I have had a successful IVF first try, with at-home IVF.I spent time carefully tracking my cycle and using specific methods to try to achieve this and thank goodness it worked.If you are parents serio... Read more
Experimental Everything
(854) (0)
Experimental Everything
by L on December 15th, 2013 under Surrogate Mother
Experiments are great! Actually, I might try not to use the word great quite so much for a reason that has to do with unwanted experiments on me. How does a baby or child feel about unwanted experime... Read more

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