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Shay, Surrogate Mother in Houston, Texas, USA

Member Type
Surrogate Mother
Date Registered
8 years ago
Profile Updated
8 years ago
Last Login
8 years ago
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Surrogate Mother from Houston, Texas, USA.

My Current Surrogacy Status is

Currently Working With Agency
Not Known

Why I want to be a surrogate mother:

I have known a few people who have tried to have children before and it would break my heart because having a child of my own is the greates joy in the world and I would love to help someone out.


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Elcheka, Intended Parent
Commented on December 18th, 2017 12:31AM [EDT]
I want to be a Mother
Hi Amber, My name is Elcheka Wallace from Houston Texas. My husband and I are looking for a surrogate mother to help complete our family. I'm not able to get pregnant because I have heart problems. I also experienced a tubal ligation that lowered my chances of getting pregnant significantly, We have been trying for 4 yrs, and we have had no luck. We are hoping that you can help by being a surrogate mother for us. My husband and I are God fearing people who will make loving parents one day. We believe that faith and persistence can bring about great blessings. We also believe having a child is the greatest blessing a couple can experience in this lifetime. Please pray to God and ask him for the holy spirit to help you decide if you should help us bring another precious life into this world. Thank you, and bless you for the sacrifices you are making to bring other families happiness. Thanks!!
Nancie , Intended Parent
Commented on March 16th, 2017 05:16AM [EDT]
Traditional surrogate
Hi I looking for a TC pls respond Nancie
Nancie , Intended Parent
Commented on March 14th, 2017 03:57AM [EDT]
Traditional surrogate
Hi iam looking for a traditional surrogate pls respond Nancie
Nancie , Intended Parent
Commented on March 14th, 2017 03:56AM [EDT]
Traditional surrogate
Hi iam looking for a traditional surrogate pls respond Nancie
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