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Katarina, Canadian Surrogate Mother in British Columbia, Canada

Member Type
Surrogate Mother
British Columbia
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Date Registered
8 years ago
Profile Updated
2 years ago
Last Login
2 years ago
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Surrogate Mother from British Columbia, Canada.

My Current Surrogacy Status is

Currently Working With Agency

Im Willing to Help Couples of
Heterosexual Couple, Gay Couple, Lesbian Couple, Single Woman, Single Man

I Agree to these Surrogate Types
Gestational, Traditional

Number of Children (non-surrogate)

Number of Surrogate Children




My Health is

My Spoken Languages

My Education is

I am a Smoker

I Have a Passport

Willing to Travel

My Blood Type is



Have You Been a Surrogate Before?

Marital Status
Single (no partner)

Why I want to be a surrogate mother:

Why.... hmm. When my parents were in their early stages of their relationship they had gotten pregnant and decided they were not ready for a child. So they decided on abortion. It ended up making it so that my step mother couldn't bare children of her own, I see how devastating it is to a family. It breaks my heart. I have a son if you look through my pictures you can probably tell how much he means to me. How happy I am with him. I cant imagine a life where it is impossible for me to have him, I've read a couple of stories on here of intended parents and I just want to give you all children of your own. The love of a parent and their child is so insanely incredible and beautiful every person deserves to love and be loved this way.

Description of myself:

Well my names Katarina I prefer Kat. Id say I'm a fun loving, goofy, high energy girl. I love to be happy and help people. (I know everyone says that) I'm a young single mom. My son is 8 years old and is my entire world. I personally don't want any of my own children.

My letter to intended parents:

Hi future mom's or dad's. My name is Katarina, I've been a member of this sight since i was probably 22-23 I have always wanted to be a Surrogate. I offer for any of my friends who would ever need because i know the after care of someone close to you would be there. I have been feeling more and more lately like i want to surrogate for someone and i just want to connect with someone and see if we can make that happen! I'm definitely not as fit as i was when i was younger but i can promise id walk daily and eat healthy with your child and you could always check in and we could do activities together so you could be close to your growing baby!

British Columbia

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Garnet, Sperm Donor
Commented on January 7th, 2023 11:33AM [EDT]
Surrogate or Co-Parenting
sperm doner
Theresa, Intended Parent
Commented on August 16th, 2022 11:06AM [EDT]
Hello Katarina, it is nice to “meet” you
My name is Theresa and my husband Jonathan and I are intended parents in Manitoba, Canada. I was really inspired and moved by your profile and just an interesting note, my middle name is also Katarina- spelt the same way :) . We are looking for a loving, dedicated and enthusiastic Canadian surrogate mother to join us in the next step of our adventure.
Aura, Intended Parent
Commented on July 26th, 2022 03:07PM [EDT]
Hello, My husband and I would be so blessed to have a gestational surrogate help us.
Aura, Intended Parent
Commented on July 26th, 2022 02:54PM [EDT]
Hello, My husband and I would be so blessed to have a gestational surrogate help us.
Claudia and Cate , Intended Parent
Commented on August 19th, 2021 08:58PM [EDT]
Hello from Beautiful BC
Hello Kat - really liked your profile! So, we are searching for a Superstar, to help us on our journey to Parentville. We have some embryos all ready to go, but will need the help with the pregnancy, due to medical concerns. Would love to chat with you more.
Sabrina , Intended Parent
Commented on July 6th, 2021 04:33AM [EDT]
Hi Kat! I'm just wondering if you're still looking to be matched with IPS? If so I'd love to share my story with you ❤
Naznin, Intended Parent
Commented on July 3rd, 2021 06:15AM [EDT]
Surrogate in B.C.
Hello Katarina. We are a couple living in B.C. and we are looking for a surrogate. Please contact me if you are still available. Thank-you.
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