I know that a lot of couples have issues having children, and I just want to give another couple the happiness and joy that a child brings.(That sounds unbelievably cheesy xD but it's true) I couldn't imagine life without my daughter, it's a happiness that words can't describe, and a love that every couple should feel.
I'm only 21, but my husband and I had our daughter Monia in April '16 was a very easy pregnancy, with no complications (Other than some wicked heartburn). I'm pretty silly, witty, and soft spoken until you get to know me better.I'm a dispatch for security at a casino.
I know you have trouble having a child, but know that there are people out there would would love to help you.I hope that you find someone who you like that will help.Feel free to ask me any questions.
Is this available still
Hello Victoria, I also have Native American Indian forefathers. Me and my husband live in Waco, Texas and have been looking for a traditional surrogate in Arkansas, due to your state being Traditional Surrogate friendly. If you are interested in talking, please email me at *** *** Thanks!! TMK
Please contact us at *** as we are searching for our perfect surrogate.Thanks
Hi Victoria, my wife and I found your ad and wanted to know if you were still available, feel free to contact us at ***
Hi, I am intended father from China.I am sincerely looking for a surrogate.Could you send me an email to *** we can talk more.Thank you.
Hi, We can talk through my *** ***
Hi, We are looking for great Surrogate Mom to help us. We have 5 frozen tested embryos ready to transfer in NY. If you feel that you would like to be a surrogate for us, please see our page and contact us via email. We want to start ASAP. THX,