***(I am looking for a family that lives close to me so they can be apart of it as much as possible).**** Since having kids, I've felt I was supposed to help another couple have their own children. I'd love to get to know you and your family to see if we are a good match. My labors are pretty quick, so I'd prefer the IPs to be close by so they can be as much a part of the birth as possible.
I've been happily married for 12 years now. We've been able to have 5 kids (Ages: 11, 10, 8, 5, & 3). My pregnancies and labors are easy and enjoyable. I generally have 9 lb children, but they are always healthy (never had gestational diabetes). I have had 6 pregnancies. My second pregnancy resulted in a miscarriage at 9 weeks gestational (fetus was 6 weeks along). I had 4 healthy children afterward.
When we got pregnant with our own children, we either got pregnant the first month we tried, or while we were trying to not get pregnant (using barrier methods only). I feel that it's important to say that we got pregnant EXTREMELY easily with all of my children. I have never done IVF, but I assume I'll get pregnant easily with that too.
Hello Carolyn, We are a military couple who have been trying to have a child for the last 4 years. We are searching for someone who is a match to us. We would love to speak with you and see if you would be the match to bless us with our forever family. Please contact me at your convenience. Look forward to hearing from you.
Hi, I am just starting to look into this. I have kids now, but would love another baby. I am physically not able to carry any more children. I was told after my last c-section that another baby would kill me. It was hard to hear, but I feel so blessed to have the children I have. I would love one more baby. I am just wondering if you would be interested in helping someone out that already has children?