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Rachael, Canadian Surrogate Mother in Ontario, Canada

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Surrogate Mother
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Date Registered
7 years ago
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7 years ago
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Surrogate Mother from Ontario, Canada.

My Current Surrogacy Status is

Currently Working With Agency

Im Willing to Help Couples of
Heterosexual Couple, Gay Couple, Lesbian Couple, Single Woman, Single Man

I Agree to these Surrogate Types

Number of Children (non-surrogate)

Number of Surrogate Children




My Health is

My Spoken Languages

My Education is

I am a Smoker

I Have a Passport

Willing to Travel

My Blood Type is



Have You Been a Surrogate Before?

Marital Status

Why I want to be a surrogate mother:

When I was 19 I went to a doctor in Alberta who decided to do a few tests on me because back then I had very irregular periods having only started my period shortly before my 18th birthday.After doing these tests I came into his office and he said I would never have children.I was a teenager at the time in a province with no friends or family having only moved there a couple months earlier.The news devastated me.I spent years thinking I would never be a mother and eventually came to terms with my fate.In my first committed relationship I was with a man who had many extremely unhealthy habits that were known for affecting fertility and as I never became pregnant in that year I didn't even question my diagnosis.In my second committed relationship when I stopped using protection I became pregnant within 3 months.It struck me as odd and although I had considered my first relationship as proof of my issue it started to dawn on me that maybe the issue was my ex.So when my son was born I had my OBGYN look into my diagnosis and was astonished to find that I did not have a tilted uterus, hormonal issues, or "uninhabitable" womb (insufficient lining and unable for embryo attachment).To this day I still don't know if he confused me with another patient or was intoxicated or just horrible at his job.But getting back to my story.After spending years thinking I would never be pregnant I was so happy when I was and when my son was born I thought to myself if I am able to help someone else have what I have I will.I knew how it felt to feel like you would never get to hold your own child and I wanted to  give someone else the gift I had received.That is the story of how I decided to be a surrogate mother.

Description of myself:

You'd think as a person whose been published I'd know what to say here but on this particular topic I am at a loss for words.I could tell you what you want to hear but I think that being *** honest is probably the best thing to promote a positive experience on all ends.Probably not something you'd expect from a past political candidate.It's probably part of the reason I lost that election (wink). I am not a college graduate, I didn't finish my program because I am not conventional.What I lack in the usual department I make up for in others.But let's skip the part where I sell you on my amazing accomplishments, I am not interested in offering my DNA so it shouldn't really matter.Not that accomplishments are genetically passed down anyways. Let's start with you, This is the biggest decision of your life, even bigger than your marriage.You are choosing the personal who will carry your child.It should feel like Cinderella's glass slipper, a perfect fit.Most likely this person will be a part of your life and maybe even feel like family.I appreciate you taking your time to consider me for carrying your most precious cargo, it is an honor to help you create your family.And I hope I get to document our experience in this journey.I know how it feels to be in your shoes so I am so grateful that I am able to help.  I have a 2 year old son, Gabriel.I have never been a cliché sort of person but once he was born it's like every day I say at least one cliché now.Guess that's part of the package. A package I am so lucky to have.I live with his father but we are not "together" we just live as legal common law partners but aside from parenting we live entirely separate lives. Aside from a more severe case of the "Kate Middleton disease* my pregnancy was completely normal.(Excess morning sickness that requires intervention) Be aware that although small I may fall into a rare category of women who are genetically prone to this.Most only experience it the one time.This does not put my life at risk or the pregnancy at risk.Oral medication is expensive.Please also be aware that chances are if my pregnancy is exactly the same extreme case it will be administered through an IV which would be covered by Ontario and wouldn't cost you anything as only oral medication is not covered.My IP's must be committed to the small possibility of expensive medical bills as there is always that risk in any pregnancy.It's just important to me to state this and make sure my IP understand that there is always the risk of a pregnancy needing extra care because I am aware of this fact from personal experience.  I eat a healthier than average diet and I also have blood tests taken semiannually to check my nutrients so I know that I have a balanced diet.I have a healthier than average body fat ratio which according to my doctor is good for carrying babies (above average iron levels), I go to the gym as time permits, I regularly check my health with my doctor (both him and I like to check everything out), and I cook lots of healthy meals.When I am nauseous I eat even healthier than normal so that's good for a pregnancy.There are no pregnancy related issues in any women in my family, my aunt miscarried when I gave her the chicken pox and my grandma had a still birth when her 4th child got caught in the umbilical cord, other than those two all have been healthy pregnancies resulting in a baby.�

My letter to intended parents:

I'd love a couple/singleton who would be open to contact afterwards, I think if it ends it should end organically where people just drift apart and not be "here's a baby good bye forever". That just doesnt feel natural.Regardless it would mean the world to send me an occasional card or letter about the child.I'd love to know that the child is alright and see some pictures of them growing up too.And I really want to send a birthday present every year.  I'm may not be sure I would terminate but I will *** take your request seriously.You sort of have to be in the situation to know if you can do it.I'd definitely consider your request but no guarantees on termination as it's not something I'd do with my own children and I don't know how I will morally feel when it's yours. I am pro-choice so at the end of day it my body and I need to maintain my conscience.At the end of the day I think because it's my body and I have to physically make the choice and live with it that it should be based on what I am mentally capable off.I don't think you can really know until you are in the situation so I will not make a legal agreement or promise to terminate.Of course a legal aggreement doesmt mean anything when it comes to termination but I want everything to be on the table so that we all enjoy the pregnancy with no drama.The same goes for multiples. I will not carry more than 3 babies.No quads.I'm not willing to put my body through a quad pregnancy. No more than 3 embryos here. I will gladly have you attend appointments but once my underwear comes off I expect privacy from the opposite sex.My lady parts will not be displayed to the father.I just need that boundary considering the situation we are entering.This does not apply to gay daddies to be.I will also make an exception for all daddies to be in the delivery room.I do however insist that you not look at my lady parts and stand near my head.That is one part of myself I will not share. I'm not sure how this usually workers around the world but am told this is normal practice here.Since I have a child I am aware of the bond of pregnancy and I know how hard the ending will be for me but also how wonderful it will be to see you finally have your family.I'd really like an hour or so alone with the baby after birth at some point.I'll probably cry when you leave but I just ask for an hour or so after birth alone so I can make peace with this long journey.Obviously you should hold the baby first, it's your baby, I just want a chance to get some closure privately at some point before parting.Carrying a human for 9 months just doesnt sound right without a proper good bye.Even if its not really good bye (its good bye to the pregnancy journey and the beginning of a new one) I know I am going to need that moment to "say good bye" . I am willing to pump my milk and ship it.I can't say how long I will pump but the better the pump you supply the longer I will pump for you (pumps can get frustrating, especially medela from my experience).I will say at least 3 months of pumping is what I think I can commit to. So if all of my expectations sound good to you than hopefully we can begin the process of getting you your happily ever after.I can already imagine the happiness everyone will feel when we bring your child into this world.


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Donald, Intended Parent
Commented on May 29th, 2021 08:52AM [EDT]
Surrogate Willing To Travel To NYC
Hello Rachael! I hope you are available to help out a lovely couple in New York City. We are seeking for a Gestational Surrogate who is willing to travel to New York City. We see you as a very good fit and we highly admire your profile. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Stay safe! Thank you.
Donald, Intended Parent
Commented on May 28th, 2021 01:12PM [EDT]
Please Help Out A Lovely Couple in NYC!
Hello Jenn! I hope you are available to help out a lovely couple in New York City. We are seeking a Gestational Surrogate who is willing to travel to New York City. We see you as a very good fit. Thank you.
Donald, Intended Parent
Commented on May 28th, 2021 01:10PM [EDT]
Please Help Out A Lovely Couple in NYC!
Hello Rachael! I hope you are available to help out a lovely couple in New York City. We are seeking a Gestational Surrogate who is willing to travel to New York City. We see you as a very good fit. Thank you.
Donald, Intended Parent
Commented on May 28th, 2021 01:09PM [EDT]
Surrogate Willing To Travel To NYC
Hello! I hope you are available to help out a lovely couple in New York City. We are seeking a Gestational Surrogate who is willing to travel to New York City. We see you as a very good fit . Thank you.
fabrizio, Intended Parent
Commented on December 10th, 2018 05:33PM [EDT]
Hi Rachael, I’m Fabrizio, a single medical doctor, in Italy stupid laws doesn’t allow surrogacy, I read your profile and I completely agree with you...would you like to help me?
WestCoast Fertility Connections, Surrogacy Agency
Commented on October 11th, 2018 06:25PM [EDT]
Interested in connecting with you
Hi Rachael: I have a small business in Victoria, BC where I match surrogates and egg donors with intended parents.
Elite-ivf, Surrogacy Agency
Commented on April 24th, 2018 11:10AM [EDT]
canadian surrogates needed
hey we have ips ready in Canada, please email me
zaion, Intended Parent
Commented on December 3rd, 2017 03:01PM [EDT]
My partner and I are looking for surrogate mother who will join to our journey :) If you can, pls contact us.
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