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melanie, Surrogate Mother in Oakland, California, USA

Member Type
Surrogate Mother
Date Registered
7 years ago
Profile Updated
7 years ago
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Surrogate Mother from Oakland, California, USA.

Currently Working With Agency
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melanie, Surrogate Mother
Commented on December 5th, 2017 05:29PM [EDT]
I am currently 20 years old but in less than one month I will be 21. I have never been a surrogate before. I do not have any previous pregnancies which I know is very hard to look past. I was almost a surrogate for a family member but she didn't want to feel the pain of losing another child. I believe that I was made to be a surrogate. I am so young but this is what my heart really wants. I have a very supportive family and I am willing to attempt multiple tries for anyone looking for a surrogate. I am currently a college student but I really want to do this. Money isn't the reason why. I promise you it isn't. I just really want to make someone's family complete. I couldn't give my family member a baby but I would like to help someone else. I hope that you find this at your interest. Please consider me as your potential surrogate. It says I am working with a. Agency but I am doing this as an independent surrogate since I have not had any previous pregnancies. Thank you for your time.
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