i know what kind of joy kids bring in one's life and i think if i can help some one experience the same love and joy, i will be very happy. i do not have my own kids but i know how it is to live as couples with out children. so i am giving the chance to any needing my help and i will gladly help you out
She is a strong believer in both surrogacy and child adoption and a surrogate mother & has a strong desire to let other women know that its O.K. to ask for help. As i am readily available to serve any home any time
Hi daniela. I'm an Italian born 47 year old without children but want children. My 2 older brothers also don't have children so my parents don't have grandchildren. I want to give my brothers a nephew or a niece and my parents a grandchild.
Hi daniela. I'm an Italian born 47 year old without children but want children. My 2 older brothers also don't have children so my parents don't have grandchildren. I want to give my brothers a nephew or a niece and my parents a grandchild.
Hi daniela. I'm an Italian born 47 year old without children but want children. My 2 older brothers also don't have children so my parents don't have grandchildren. I want to give my brothers a nephew or a niece and my parents a grandchild.
Me and My partner would love to speak with you if you are still available. We live in Georgia and can travel. please contact us
Hello! Coincidentally I am from Jacksonville as well, but now live in Boston.Are you still looking to be a surrogate? I would love to talk and see if we would be a good fit for what your looking for.Please email me at Thank you!
i am a 55 year old korean living in seoul korea.can u be egg doner n surrogate mother at the same time? also can u bring up the child? i wl support u n baby financially.
Hi I am Tawilla.Are you still available?
You sound so amazing.If there was more woman like you then my luck would have been different.Please read my profile and if you are interested please message me