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Tobi, American Surrogate Mother in Carrsville, Virginia, USA

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Surrogate Mother
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Date Registered
6 years ago
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1 year ago
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Surrogate Mother from Carrsville, Virginia, USA.

My Current Surrogacy Status is
Currently Not Available

Currently Working With Agency

Im Willing to Help Couples of
Heterosexual Couple, Single Woman, Single Man

I Agree to these Surrogate Types

Number of Children (non-surrogate)

Number of Surrogate Children




My Health is

My Spoken Languages

My Education is

I am a Smoker

I Have a Passport

Willing to Travel

My Blood Type is



Have You Been a Surrogate Before?

Marital Status

Why I want to be a surrogate mother:

My adopted mother struggled with infertility and multiple miscarriages for 15 years prior to adopting me, and it is something that hurt and scarred her deeply.I don't want others to hurt and ever feel that way if there is something I can do to help them. I completed my first surrogacy journey Delivering twins at the end of April *** was a wonderful experience, and I am so honored to have been able to assist this wonderful couple start their dream family.I can't wait to be cleared, and help another couple soon.

Description of myself:

I am a spunky, energetic, go-getter.Once I decide something I am very determined, and I have decided I really want to be a surrogate and help someone else.I am very passionate about helping others.

My letter to intended parents:

Good Morning! I’m Tobi.I’m 34 years old and I love to help others.I am an experienced surrogate having delivered twin boys vaginally in April of *** and would one day like to be a living organ donor.I am a very spunky, energetic, and positive person.I always try to see the bright side of things even in the worst situations.I consider myself old school because I believe a person’s word is their oath, and if I commit to something I will do everything in my power to follow through.I love fundraising and doing volunteer work.I have been the fundraiser for my Family Readiness Group for going on 3 years.My friends say I am a jack of all trades, because I am good at many different things.I went to college for medical assisting.I took correspondence classes for floral design and started my own event photography business.I enjoy attending my kid’s sports games, and cheering them on, doing arts and crafts projects, especially ones I find on Pinterest.The best interest of all is simply doing things with my family, whether we are playing a board game, watching tv, blowing bubbles, doing chores, or going to church.Anything we do together is best of all. My husband has been in the Navy for almost 16 years.He is a Chief, and although we love to tease him about being a weather guesser, he is acctually a pretty good weather forcaster.He is very supportive of me being a surrogate, and helping another couple start their own family.We are very family oriented and he can’t imagine how hard it would be if we didn’t have our kids and wants to help someone else enjoy all the wonderful moments like us. We have also been lucky enough to spend the majority of his career in the Hampton Roads area.We only left once when he went to C-school for 9 months and I went home to be with my sick mother, then we came back to the area and have been here ever since.We have 2 wonderful Children.Topher 9 which is short for Christopher, and Abbi 5.Topher plays soccer, and basketball.He loves Captain Georges Seafood buffet, the Chinese buffet, or a good old fashioned beefaroni.He is homeschooled and about to finish up third grade.He is very good at math and is very creative at making up stories but doesn’t enjoy coloring or painting.His favorite characters are Mario, Bowser, and Kirby.He would like to be a doctor when he grows up. Abbi is doing kindergarten at home but loves singing, dancing, and playing with playdough.She has a ton of songs memorized and loves to put on little shows.She is a ball full of energy and doesn’t realize she is 3 years younger than her brother and tries to do everything he does.She loves cheering him on at his sports games.Her favorite foods are peperoni, PBJ, corn dogs, and happy meals.She loves getting dressed up for church, and putting on a little makeup, and a pretty necklace, but hates having her hair brushed.Her favorite characters are Rapunzel, Anna & Elsa, and My Little Pony.She is a great helper, and loves baking, and helping with the dishes.She is very loving an affectionate to everyone, but especially animals. We have 2 dogs and 3 cats.Sniper is a 13-year-old lab mix, and Sabrina is a 12-year-old chihuahua, because of their age they like to sleep a lot but the kids, keep them hopping.We also have Ms.Kitty who is 7, while Anna, and Meredith Gray are both 4.We have also fostered both dogs and cats over the years. My (adopted) father Ollie also lives with us.My (adopted) mother Barb pased away after a very long battle with Diabetes, Kidney Failure, and Heart Disease.My father later moved in with us and is very capable of getting around on his own, and fairly healthy but was lonely being alone in Wisconsin, and my sisters were not much help.We love having him with us, he is a true blessing.He helps with the homeschool, and the kids.He is very handy and loves building things for around the house.He is also very supportive of the surrogacy because he and my adopted mother struggled for 15 years trying to have kids, resulting in numerous miscarriages, before finally adopting me, and 3 years later adopting my younger sister Tawnee. I have a very unique family.Not only am I adopted, but I also have a close loving relationship with my biological parents as well.I also have some pretty amazing in-laws.I am truly blessed to be surrounded by people who love and support me.There is also one more person who is a huge part of my support system.My best friend Stephanie.She is an army wife, and we have been best friends since high school.We were married a month apart and our oldest children are only 1 month apart.We have been apart most of the last decade but we talk on the phone or skype several times a day.I don’t know where I would be without her. I started wanting to be a surrogate when I decided I had fairly easy pregnancies, and always want to help others so I figured this was a great way for me to be able to do something for someone else.At that time, I was over the ideal BMI so I was not able to move forward with the process, but I have worked really hard, and gotten to a much healthier weight and BMI and started up the process again.This isn’t a decision that I made quickly or lightly.It is something I have been very passionate about doing for a long time, and I have very high hopes of it being such great experience that I would like to be a surrogate a few times in the years to come. What I would like in an ideal couple is someone I can easily, and comfortably communicate with.Where honesty, communication is a priority.More than anything, I don’t just want to help a couple bring home a baby, I want a wonderful, and memorable journey for them leading up to the day they finally get to bring home their bundle/bundles of joy.I want to be able to freely communicate with my family members who are my support system throughout the journey, and I would like to be able to share that my journey on social media.Of course I would keep any names and your personal information out of it, but I was not allowed to share on social media that I was pregnant at all which than didn't even allow me to share in pictures of my children for fear of my largely pregnant belly showing. Thank you for taking the time to read my profile, and even if I am not the right surrogate for you I wish you the best of luck on your journey. Sincerely, Tobi


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Tara and Harris, Intended Parent
Commented on May 7th, 2022 03:47PM [EDT]
Fellow Virginian
If you are interested in a second surrogacy journey, we would love to chat and see if we might be a good fit/match.!
Ali, Intended Parent
Commented on September 22nd, 2021 08:41PM [EDT]
Intended Parent
Hi Tobi! My husband and I are looking for a n experienced GS. We live in the area and would love to chat with you. We are ready to get started right away (have tested embryos). I hope you respond. Looking forward to connecting!
Megan, Intended Parent
Commented on December 9th, 2020 01:50AM [EDT]
Please message me, I'm ready to have you as a surrogate next month.
Please message me, I'm ready to have you as a surrogate next month.
Primesurro, Surrogacy Agency
Commented on October 26th, 2020 11:06AM [EDT]
Help a family grow
Hi my name is Samantha, I’m a former surrogate, now consultant with Primesurro based in CA. We work with moms that are interested in becoming gestational surrogates. We help match you with an ”intended parent” and guide you through the entire IVF process. We support you throughout the pregnancy. We pay for all travel. We also offer a base compensation of $50K -$55K for California and Nevada residents and $40K -$45K for all other states
Stewart, Intended Parent
Commented on March 2nd, 2019 10:38PM [EDT]
Single intended father seeking GS
I am a heterosexual single intended father in Norfolk VA with frozen embryos seeking a gestational surrogate (GS) to make my dream of becoming a parent a reality. Please take a look at my profile and let me know if you are interested thanks!
Georgia, Intended Parent
Commented on July 18th, 2018 03:54PM [EDT]
Gestational surrogate
Good afternoon. I enjoyed reading your letter for the intended parents. I would really like to talk to you about becoming a gestational surrogate for myself and husband. Please fill free to contact me. Thank you.
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