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Sarah, Trinidadian Surrogate Mother in Troy, Missouri, USA

Member Type
Surrogate Mother
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Date Registered
6 years ago
Profile Updated
6 years ago
Last Login
6 years ago
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Surrogate Mother from Troy, Missouri, USA.

My Current Surrogacy Status is

Currently Working With Agency

Im Willing to Help Couples of
Heterosexual Couple, Gay Couple, Lesbian Couple, Single Woman, Single Man

I Agree to these Surrogate Types
Gestational, Traditional

Number of Children (non-surrogate)

Number of Surrogate Children




My Health is

My Spoken Languages

My Education is

I am a Smoker

I Have a Passport

Willing to Travel

My Blood Type is



Have You Been a Surrogate Before?

Marital Status

Why I want to be a surrogate mother:

Becoming a surrogate mother takes love and dedication but is ultimately very rewarding in more ways than one. If you are going to need the assistance of a surrogate in the near future. Giving birth to a child is an awful lot to go through. As a surrogate I feel empathetic toward an intended parent(s) who is unable to conceive their own child and I want to give the intended parent(s) one of the best gifts in existence for the joy and satisfaction of it.

Description of myself:

I consider myself an optimist rather than someone who is pessimistic....I love the concept of happiness and contentment and feel it is something everyone can achieve. I love adventure, the journey is the goal and the goal is the excuse. I am someone who is easy to get along with and wants to make the whole experience great for the intended parents and herself. If you have an exceptional surrogate mother in me, you will hopefully feel as though i am part of the family!

My letter to intended parents:

Now that we are officially in the matching process, I decided that I should write a letter to our intended parents (IPs) just as a starting point for my side of our relationship. They may or may not ever read it, but in case they ever do, “Hey guys! Here’s what I felt about you before I knew you were you!” Hello IPs! We haven’t met, but we’re looking for each other already. We’re about to embark on a great adventure that will knit our lives together intimately, at least for a time, and we don’t even know each other’s names! To me, you are Intended Parents, or IPs. To you, I am a Gestational Surrogate, Gestational Carrier or simply the Surrogate. What a strange way to begin such a relationship! Though I don’t yet know you, I am pretty sure that having to have me around wasn’t an original part of your family plans. I imagine your hopes and dreams have had to change and evolve much to lead you to this point. For that, I want you to know, that I think you’re incredibly courageous people and I admire your strength and resolve. I also want you to know that I understand what incredible trust you are placing in me and I do not take at lightly. Please be assured that I did not undertake this idea on a whim. It has come with the passage of time, the gathering of information, much discussion and even more prayer. While there has been a lot of focus on me throughout the process (my health, my thoughts, my fears, my family’s role, etc) I want you to know that we have never once lost track of you. You are why I am here! Without you, I wouldn’t be going on this journey. Thank you for giving me this gift of an incredible opportunity. I know you’ll probably wonder and worry a lot about me. How can you know if I am eating right, sleeping enough, being active but not too active? How can you be sure I am taking my prenatal vitamins, that I’m avoiding too much coffee, or that I won’t be exposed to something I shouldn’t be? Can you be sure that on delivery day, we’ll all be on the same page medically? Can you rest assured that I will carry your child with as much care as my own? How will you know that I will be as communicative as you’d want? The answer to all those questions is you can’t know and you can’t be sure, you just have to trust me. I will do the same for you. I will trust that you’ll understand my needs and my judgment, just as I will do for you. At the end of this adventure, I hope we can look back on the time where you were just IPs and I was just the surrogate and laugh because it seems so silly to have not always known and cared for one another. Here’s to our journey! Lets go on an adventure!

AnonymousJune 18th, 2018 06:27AM [EDT]User is misrepresenting themselves
Reported by: 1 member(s)

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Shalini, Surrogate Mother
Commented on March 16th, 2020 09:19PM [EDT]
I am 40 years old Indian women and my husband is 43 years..we are trying for a baby from last 9 years and now due to medical complications we are looking for a surrogate mother. Need your help to being our child in this world
Kristy, Intended Parent
Commented on June 13th, 2018 02:34PM [EDT]
Looking for Surrogate
Hi. I'm interested in having you be a surrogate for me and my husband.
Alexx, Intended Parent
Commented on June 6th, 2018 02:15AM [EDT]
Serrogate mother
I want sarrogate mother contact me plz
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