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Lani, Canadian Surrogate Mother in British Columbia, Canada

Member Type
Surrogate Mother
British Columbia
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Date Registered
6 years ago
Profile Updated
6 years ago
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6 years ago
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Surrogate Mother from British Columbia, Canada.

My Current Surrogacy Status is

Currently Working With Agency

Im Willing to Help Couples of
Heterosexual Couple, Gay Couple, Lesbian Couple, Single Woman, Single Man

I Agree to these Surrogate Types

Number of Children (non-surrogate)

Number of Surrogate Children




My Health is

My Spoken Languages

My Education is

I am a Smoker

I Have a Passport

Willing to Travel



Have You Been a Surrogate Before?

Marital Status

Why I want to be a surrogate mother:

As a woman I discovered quite by accident that pregnancy and childbirth are a peak experience that you will only get to experience rarely in a lifetime. I think I have 1, maybe 2 healthy pregnancies that I can still carry, and I think I would like to experience it one more time with intention. I'm 40 now with regular periods and in excellent health. If we find the right fit, I am here to explore that possibility in order to help another family. I was personally ambivalent about having kids and delighted to find that it has been an amazing and life changing experience, so I now understand the longing to create a family that many experience. I'm surrounded by dear friends that have been challenged to start and build their families and been witness to their harrowing journeys while both my pregnancies happened close together and quite unplanned, with no intention or effort on mine or my husband's part. If our needs and abilities align, I would be willing to help another family as a gestational surrogate.

Description of myself:

I am a married mother of two young children living in Metro Vancouver, BC, Canada, very close to the US border. We routinely go south to Costco to top up our groceries and gas. My husband and I have stable jobs and own our own home. I am a runner and clocked a 1:56 half marathon at my last race in November *** I never have and do not smoke, drink or do any recreational substances, or drink coffee even, though I am very fond of tea. I had two uncomplicated pregnancies and smooth, intense but enjoyable natural births each time. I'm a voracious reader and enjoy cooking for my friends.

My letter to intended parents:

I have a rich family and personal life and am surrounded by supportive friends and loved ones. I am extroverted and social and open to getting enmeshed with another family to help you have your child. Pregnancies are such a magical time for parents, and I'm happy to have you join me at appointments and in the birthing suite so you can witness and participate as your child grows and comes to term. Depending on how our relationship unfolds, I am also open to staying in touch or allowing our relationship to subside following the delivery. If we are geographically close, I can commit to one month of pumping to provide you with colostrum and breastmilk to supplement your formula feeding. As a Canadian, I have access to care during pregnancy and delivery, as well as extended health coverage through both my own and my husband's plan, should any be necessary. In the province of BC, intended parents can be designated at the time of birth on the birth certificate without having to engage in any further adoption process. I am not represented by an agency, and so if we find each other to be a good match, we will carefully proceed to consult with legal advice independently and together in order to craft a workable agreement.

British Columbia

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Mikaela, Intended Parent
Commented on January 11th, 2022 08:14PM [EDT]
Looking for a surrogate
Hi Lani! My husband and I are looking for a surrogate to carry our embryo - we live in the lower mainland.
Sabrina , Intended Parent
Commented on July 6th, 2021 03:44AM [EDT]
Hi Lani! Just wondering if you're still looking for ips to match with....if so, I'd love to share my story with you❤
Tracy, Intended Parent
Commented on March 6th, 2020 12:42AM [EDT]
Hi Lani
I am unable to carry a child so we are looking for a surrogate to carry our precious child. We live on acreage in Brisbane and have one beautiful boy who is 7. We have frozen embryos ready to go in Canada and Australia. If you feel a connection and are ready to embark on this journey, we would love to hear from you. Please read our profile. Thank you for the wonderful gift you are giving.
4u, Surrogacy Agency
Commented on January 20th, 2020 09:51PM [EDT]
Monique , Intended Parent
Commented on September 5th, 2019 01:52PM [EDT]
Are you still available?
Hi There, I am new to the sight . Please read about us
WestCoast Fertility Connections, Surrogacy Agency
Commented on October 11th, 2018 06:16PM [EDT]
Interested in connecting with you
I have a small business in Victoria, BC where I match surrogates and egg donors with intended parents. If you are interested in contacting me for further information, please contact me . You can also check my website.
Lynne, Intended Parent
Commented on October 6th, 2018 03:20PM [EDT]
You and your family look so happy. I had to have a hysterectomy but luckily was able to keep my ovaries. Not possible to give my husband a child on my own. So deeply would love to. If interested being our blessing we would love to hear from you! Thanks
Elite-ivf, Surrogacy Agency
Commented on September 26th, 2018 03:02PM [EDT]
surrogate mothers needed
Hello I work for a great agency called Elite-ivf. we have ips ready to match in Canada, if your still available please email me. thanks and wish you all the best :)
Chris, Intended Parent
Commented on September 18th, 2018 09:58AM [EDT]
Looking to connect.
Hi Lani, My wife and I split our time between Shanghai and Vancouver we are very interested in finding a surrogate to help us out. We lost our son 4 years ago and have been trying everything since. Hope to hear from you and see where it could lead us!
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