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Miranda, American Surrogate Mother in Coeur D Alene, Idaho, USA

Member Type
Surrogate Mother
Coeur D Alene
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Date Registered
6 years ago
Profile Updated
6 years ago
Last Login
5 years ago
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Surrogate Mother from Coeur D Alene, Idaho, USA.

My Current Surrogacy Status is

Currently Working With Agency

Im Willing to Help Couples of
Heterosexual Couple, Gay Couple

I Agree to these Surrogate Types

Number of Children (non-surrogate)

Number of Surrogate Children




My Health is

My Spoken Languages

My Education is

I am a Smoker

I Have a Passport

Willing to Travel

My Blood Type is



Have You Been a Surrogate Before?

Marital Status

Why I want to be a surrogate mother:

As you can see we have a pretty big age gap between our children, that is because we also struggled with infertility for 6 years. We went and saw many specialist and found out that my husband had a very low sperm count and that we would never have any more children together naturally. Well they were wrong and with some major lifestyle changes we were able to. Now I want to be able to help another couples dream of having a family come true also.

Description of myself:

I am a adventurous homebody. I love to go out and explore the beautiful country I live in but I also love to snuggle up on the couch and read a book or watch a movie. I have been with my husband for 14 years and married to him for 5. We have three beautiful children together. Emma is 10, Bain is 2 and Wesley just turned 1. We own our own custom furniture company but on our free time we like to run 5k's or relax at the lake.

My letter to intended parents:

I am a open book, please feel free to ask me anything. I want this process to be as easy as possible on you.

Coeur D Alene

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Shannon, Intended Parent
Commented on December 3rd, 2019 02:24AM [EDT]
I know you help couples. But would you be willing to help a single woman??
Pacific Surrogacy, LLC, Surrogacy Agency
Commented on October 17th, 2018 05:02AM [EDT]
Surrogate Support OC
Just wanted to see how you're doing and if you've found anyone that matches your standards yet. Lmk if I can be of any help : )
Athina, Intended Parent
Commented on August 27th, 2018 03:47AM [EDT]
Are you still in trysted in being a surrogate
Hello Miranda, I read the message that you posted and it sounds pretty much like what our doctor told us I suffer from uterine fibroids and I am of Advanced maternal age but feel pretty young at 43 we have been going through IVF since *** will have a pretty long story to tell and I would love the chance to speak with you if you’re still available or haven’t been snapped up by an agency. Thank you and advance for your time and consideration have a blessed day .
Roni, Intended Parent
Commented on August 26th, 2018 01:25PM [EDT]
Hi I would love to hear from you! 😊
C2 Surrogacy, Surrogacy Agency
Commented on August 3rd, 2018 10:49PM [EDT]
Hello Miranda, First, Thank you for wanting to help others its such an amazing gift you will offer. I am writing to you to see if you were available for immediate match with our Ips. WE have an Ip waiting for match and this could be you. please respond if you are interest in meeting wonderful intended parent.
Customer, Egg Donor
Commented on August 3rd, 2018 01:32AM [EDT]
Do you still need help
Hi it was now we read your message that you need a support please get back to us if you still need help. Thank
Emily, Intended Parent
Commented on August 2nd, 2018 11:31PM [EDT]
Be our Angel
Hi Miranda! It would be the biggest blessing and gift for our husband and I if you could be our surrogate! I just finished egg retrieval and have a viable healthy embryo😊please feel free to contact me
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