I want to give a family the joy of having a child. I understand some cannot and want to help. My cousin is currently a surrogate and always talks about how good it feels.
I am a hard working mother of 3 soon to be 4. I have finished my having my own children journey. I have 3 girls and (finally) a little boy on the way. I was asked if I wanted to get my tubes tied and that was a very serious question to consider. I have decided that I would like to help a family conceive a child before I completely am off the child baring market lol.
I am due with my 4th pregnancy in August *** I am willing to be available in October/November of *** would really like to have made a commitment to a family by July *** I would love to give the gift of life to someone deserving. I understand that everyone is not able to conceive and I want to help bring that joy. As a mother of 3 and one on the way, I am thrilled to share this experience.
Hi there! I sent you a message also but I just wanted to reach out here as well to let you know we have an awesome program for surrogacy. We have couples waiting - please contact me for more info :)