We need you
Dear Lenka, We been living in Prague. Our clinic is in Prague. we are looking for a surrogate mother due to my helath problems. please let me know if you are available.Thanks.
Dobrý den, Lenko,
jsme manželský pár a ze zdravotních důvodů nemůžeme mít děti.Hledáme proto náhradní maminku, která by nám za kompenzaci pomohla.Klinku máme zajištěnou v Brně.
Pokud je Vaše nabídka aktuální, pošlete nám prosím Váš kontakt.
Spojíme se s Vámi s návrhem dalšího postupu.
S pozdravem
Petr + Helena
Hi there,
We are looking for a surrogate mother. We've had IVF treatment at the Prague Fertility Centre but unfortunately without any luck, is this something you're still interested in?
Kind regards
surrogate mother/ Náhradní matka
hello lenka are you still search for working Surrogate? we search a Surrogate and come from Germany would you like write something about you or send a photo? jessy
WARNING: FindSurrogateMother.com is a unique platform that does not interfere with the connections being made in its community. The connections are non-intrusive and made organically between members. While you are in control of your FindSurrogateMother.com experience, your safety is still very important to us. There are certain safety steps that you should always consider: 1) Protect Your Finances & Never Send Money or Financial Information 2) Protect Your Personal Information and 3) Report Suspicious Members and All Suspicious Behavior. You are always the best judge of your own safety, these guidelines are not intended to be a substitute for your own judgment.
Dear Lenka, We been living in Prague. Our clinic is in Prague. we are looking for a surrogate mother due to my helath problems. please let me know if you are available.Thanks.
Dobrý den, Lenko, jsme manželský pár a ze zdravotních důvodů nemůžeme mít děti.Hledáme proto náhradní maminku, která by nám za kompenzaci pomohla.Klinku máme zajištěnou v Brně. Pokud je Vaše nabídka aktuální, pošlete nám prosím Váš kontakt. Spojíme se s Vámi s návrhem dalšího postupu. Děkujeme. S pozdravem Petr + Helena ***
Hi there, We are looking for a surrogate mother. We've had IVF treatment at the Prague Fertility Centre but unfortunately without any luck, is this something you're still interested in? Kind regards Rich
Hello Dear Lenka, We will be happy if you are interested in helping us to become parents :) please write me back: ***
Dobry den.Ja som anglican ale byvam s partnerom na Slovensku.Sme spolu 15rokov a chceme svoju rodinu.Napíšte mi
hello lenka are you still search for working Surrogate? we search a Surrogate and come from Germany would you like write something about you or send a photo? jessy