I decided to become a surrogate because i was inspired by a friend who cannot have children, but more than anything wants to be a mom. And i thought that if i could bless someone with a beautiful baby it would make me overcome with joy and something i would never forget. I also really enjoyed being pregnant and feeling little baby kicks and now that my son is born my belly is lonely :( lol
I would best describe myself as a stay at home mom. My son was blessed with a wonderful father who goes to work everyday to support us. Some people say being a stay at home isnt a real job but i beg to differ! Its the most rewarding job in the world!
I would love to bless someone with a beautiful baby! It would be an honor and i cant wait to hear from you! :)
i could use your help.
We are looking for a surrogate in Missouri.We are in Missouri.(: Womdering what you are wanting for compensation?