I like to know you
Am an intending parents I went through ur provide so I decided to contact you.I woo like to know what it takes for u to be surrogate mother for me,as have seen you have done it before.Am a Nigeria and u base in Nigeria and delta state.Am 36 yrs of age yet to have a child in my marriagewhich is causing some worries.So can you communicate with me so u tell me whatthe proceeds is all about.I will appricate if u get intouch.Yours faithfully Mrs Tuedon O
I like to know you
Am an intending parents I went through ur provide so I decided to contact you.I woo like to know what it takes for u to be surrogate mother for me,as have seen you have done it before.Am a Nigeria and u base in Nigeria and delta state.Am 36 yrs of age yet to have a child in my marriagewhich is causing some worries.So can you communicate with me so u tell me whatthe proceeds is all about.I will appricate if u get intouch.Yours faithfully Mrs Tuedon O
I like to know you
Am an intending parents I went through ur provide so I decided to contact you.I woo like to know what it takes for u to be surrogate mother for me,as have seen you have done it before.Am a Nigeria and u base in Nigeria and delta state.Am 36 yrs of age yet to have a child in my marriagewhich is causing some worries.So can you communicate with me so u tell me whatthe proceeds is all about.I will appricate if u get intouch.Yours faithfully Mrs Tuedon O
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Am an intending parents I went through ur provide so I decided to contact you.I woo like to know what it takes for u to be surrogate mother for me,as have seen you have done it before.Am a Nigeria and u base in Nigeria and delta state.Am 36 yrs of age yet to have a child in my marriagewhich is causing some worries.So can you communicate with me so u tell me whatthe proceeds is all about.I will appricate if u get intouch.Yours faithfully Mrs Tuedon O
Am an intending parents I went through ur provide so I decided to contact you.I woo like to know what it takes for u to be surrogate mother for me,as have seen you have done it before.Am a Nigeria and u base in Nigeria and delta state.Am 36 yrs of age yet to have a child in my marriagewhich is causing some worries.So can you communicate with me so u tell me whatthe proceeds is all about.I will appricate if u get intouch.Yours faithfully Mrs Tuedon O
Am an intending parents I went through ur provide so I decided to contact you.I woo like to know what it takes for u to be surrogate mother for me,as have seen you have done it before.Am a Nigeria and u base in Nigeria and delta state.Am 36 yrs of age yet to have a child in my marriagewhich is causing some worries.So can you communicate with me so u tell me whatthe proceeds is all about.I will appricate if u get intouch.Yours faithfully Mrs Tuedon O