I know how much of a blessing it is to have children, and I want to help someone have that blessing. I have great pregnancies and my husband and I are done having our own. Being a surrogate would give me the opportunity to be a stay at home mom for my kids and allow me to help another family grow.
I'm a very happy mom and wife. I love visiting the Smokey Mountains and hiking. I enjoy reading and spending time with family and friends. Im very easy to get along with!
Dear IP, I am so excited about beginning this journey with you. Parenthood is such a gift, and I know you're going to be great! I am very healthy and have had three healthy beautiful pregnancies. I would love to build a relationship with you if you would like, and help you bring a baby in the world. The only thing I'm opposed to is terminating the pregnancy for any reason unless my health was in jeopardy. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to answering any other questions you may have.
If you would like to talk please , I hope to hear from you
Are you the same Cat I was speaking to on surromothersonline?