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Bruna, Brazilian Surrogate Mother in Minas Gerais, Brazil

Member Type
Surrogate Mother
Minas Gerais
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Date Registered
4 years ago
Profile Updated
4 years ago
Last Login
4 years ago
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Surrogate Mother from Minas Gerais, Brazil.

My Current Surrogacy Status is

Currently Working With Agency

Im Willing to Help Couples of
Heterosexual Couple, Gay Couple, Lesbian Couple, Single Woman, Single Man

I Agree to these Surrogate Types

Number of Children (non-surrogate)

Number of Surrogate Children




My Health is

My Spoken Languages

My Education is

I am a Smoker

I Have a Passport

Willing to Travel

My Blood Type is



Have You Been a Surrogate Before?

Marital Status
Single (no partner)

Why I want to be a surrogate mother:

I want to be a surrogate mother because I believe in life. I believe in family, in love. I know that many women, men, couples cry and feel frustrated that they cannot have a child, for various reasons, reasons that only they know what they are and know how it hurts. And if I'm healthy, I'm willing, and my body works fine, why not help? Bring relief, peace, happiness, and more love to this home. I believe that everyone deserves and has to do what has to be done to be happy.

Description of myself:

Oh I could describe myself in many different ways. Cheerful, spontaneous, polite, book-loving, who loves music and nature, but I think it all seems very superficial. I'm human, I have love for life and human being, I'm a person with empathy, sorority, resilience, I value good values, I protect good customs, you know those pasts from father to son that strengthen family ties? That makes me kind, smiling and strong. I'm a detail artist, I notice everything and everyone, and I question, I think that's how I build a strong and objective woman in myself. I'm not prejudiced at all, even I'm gay, and I'm very happy, my family knows and supports me. I love studying, if I could do a thousand different courses. I sing, God gave me the gift, kkk and sometimes I play guitar too. I don't smoke, I don't drink, I don't have a criminal record, and I don't have a health problem. I'm not married, I've never had children or a pregnancy. I have a degree in nursing at a technical level, I have a small retail sales company, in which I currently dedicate *** of my time. I have a lot of friends, ours, not those who are just numbers, but people I can count on. I love classical music, visit parks, believe in energy and spirituality, everything that makes me a better human being is valid. I'm proactive, dynamic, spirit of leadership. I'm not one of those who leave anyway, I go after and look for solution, which in contrapartida makes me very competitive, which is bad if it is too much, and I'm spiteful, ah I have a happiness in holding grudge, I shouldn't know, but I try in the best way possible to deal with the person and the problem, and if it still does not take effect , I hold a grudge, I follow my path, I do not disturb and do not harm, in the i do not come back to be the same.

Minas Gerais

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sanjay, Intended Parent
Commented on February 6th, 2022 07:18PM [EDT]
Looking for Surrogate mother
I am looking for surrogate mother to give us god's wonderful gift to complete our family . Looking for your help.
Rey, Intended Parent
Commented on June 17th, 2021 03:41AM [EDT]
Hi Bruna, how are you?
*** / *** Translation results Meu nome é Ray e moro em Los Angeles.Espero que COVID acabe indo embora e eu gostaria de planejar esse dia para que minha vida volte ao normal e siga em frente.Por favor, deixe-me saber se você ainda está disponível para ser uma mãe de aluguel.Obrigado
Rey, Intended Parent
Commented on June 17th, 2021 03:40AM [EDT]
HI Bruna,
My name is Ray and live in Los Angeles. Hopefully COVID will eventually go away and I would like to plan for that day so life can get back to normal and move ahead. Please let me know if you are still available to be a surrogate mother. Thanks Rey
Anais, Intended Parent
Commented on May 10th, 2021 07:44PM [EDT]
Surrogate wanted for beautiful USA couple
Hello Bruna! You are a beautiful young woman and I love your description of yourself. I would love to talk to you about you potentially being a surrogate for my family.
Bent, Intended Parent
Commented on April 25th, 2021 01:58PM [EDT]
surrogate mother
oi, estamos procurando uma mãe de aluguel que possa dar à luz um filho de um casal heterossexual.
Melissa, Intended Parent
Commented on November 3rd, 2020 12:24PM [EDT]
Hi you are interested in being my surrogate mother
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