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Sandy, Surrogate Mother in Oxnard, California, USA

Member Type
Surrogate Mother
Date Registered
3 years ago
Profile Updated
3 years ago
Last Login
3 years ago
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Surrogate Mother from Oxnard, California, USA.

My Current Surrogacy Status is
Currently Helping a Family

Currently Working With Agency

Why I want to be a surrogate mother:

I wanted to become a SM for so many reasons.I had my own personal experience as a child growing up I was watching how many different stresses of life that had my parents trying to have a baby together I had learned at a young age that not everyone can always have their own children.Then as I was able to learn from my own experiences becoming a teen parent I was struggling to always manage the best for my child during their development.I had the dream of wanting to be able to support a family that wanted to have their own family but somehow their life circumstances affected them to be able to deliver their own child I would be able to be healthy enough to be able to share the beautiful opportunity and the experience of a lifetime for me had finally happened when all my years of learning the background of what was to expect I prepared myself for the journey.

Description of myself:

I am an experienced Surrogate Mother, I had one successful delivery of a healthy baby boy for a very loving family who already had an older son of their own and I was able to support the family and their wishes to have the beautiful opportunity and the journey to share with them carrying for their baby boy in ***


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