(WhatsApp: plus two three four eight zero eight four three eight two seven three seven) I'm a single mother who freelancers occasionally for her daily bread. I want to go back to Uni to study medicine and my freelance gigs don't earn me enough to provide for my baby and save up for school at the same time. If I can make some extra cash by providing a family with a little angel, then why not?
(WhatsApp: plus two three four eight zero eight four three eight two seven three seven) I'm dark-complexioned, of average height, witty and intelligent. I love children and I'm kind to a fault.
(WhatsApp: zero eight zero eight four three eight two seven three seven) Hi intended parent, I have something to tell you that might make you decide against using me as your surrogate. for as long as I can remember, I've suffered from clinical depression and suicidal ideation. I've been suffering from it for so long that it was difficult for me to believe I could be happy. My baby changed my life. I stare at her and smile for no reason and sometimes, I just wonder how it's possible that I'm happy and no longer depressed. Children bring happiness and whoever you are, you deserve them.
intended parent