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Sarah, American Surrogate Mother in La Porte, Indiana, USA

Member Type
Surrogate Mother
La Porte
Hair Color
Light Brown
Eye Color
Date Registered
9 years ago
Profile Updated
9 years ago
Last Login
7 years ago
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Surrogate Mother from La Porte, Indiana, USA.

My Current Surrogacy Status is

Currently Working With Agency
Not Known

Im Willing to Help Couples of
Heterosexual Couple, Gay Couple, Lesbian Couple, Single Woman, Single Man

I Agree to these Surrogate Types

Number of Children (non-surrogate)

Number of Surrogate Children



My Health is

I am a Smoker

My Blood Type is



Marital Status
Single (with partner)

Why I want to be a surrogate mother:

Fertility problems hit close to home with me. A family member had 2 unsuccessful attempts at IVF before finally succeeding. During that time, I agreed to be her surrogate. However, with her third attempt being a success, I was no longer needed. I was so happy for her, but seeing her struggle like she did up until that point broke my heart. I can't imagine the pain one must feel when they cannot carry a baby. Since then, the idea has stuck with me. I want to help somebody create the family they have dreamed of. I will work with intended single parents or married couples regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. If you are homophobic, please do not contact me. If you could not accept your child if they grew up to be lgbtq, you shouldn't have one. Lastly, I am seeking gestational surrogacy only.

Description of myself:

I'm a happy, caring, and chubby 23 year old mom.I'm still working off the baby weight from my son whom was born in April.I'm very healthy and I exercise daily.My little boy is my world.I want to help others experience the love I have for my son with a baby of their own.I am not married, but I'm in a happy, very supportive, and stable relationship with my son's father.We've been together for almost 5 years.

My letter to intended parents:

Dear potential parent, I know this road may or may not be difficult for you.Maybe you've been trying to conceive for years, or maybe your journey has just begun.I want to tell you that it will be worth it.I'm a mother of a beautiful little boy.Nothing in the vast and grand universe brings me joy like he does.Once you have your baby in your arms, your troubles and worries fade away.I want to help you embark on the journey to parenthood.I'm a compassionate, caring, and open person.My pregnancy had zero complications, and he was not born via c-section.I'm very successful at breastfeeding my son.Because of this, I am not wanting to be an egg donor since I would have to take medications that are not safe for him.On the flip side of this, I'm happy to supply breastmilk to your baby if you either meet me to pick it up, or pay for shipping it.Your baby deserves the best! Please contact me if you're interested in speaking with me.The quickest way to reach me is via *** this site is very adamant about censoring emails so just remove those periods of course.:)

La Porte

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Jenn, Intended Parent
Commented on August 5th, 2015 08:50AM [EDT]
Could you please explain what gestational is? We want a women to carry a baby for us due to agencies being so costly.We are only an hour away from you and I'd be able to come to every appt.we don't have coverage for a surrogate so not sure how to go about this.We are both infertile.
Ashleigh, Intended Parent
Commented on July 5th, 2015 01:00AM [EDT]
Hi Sarah, I'm in IL I would love to talk to you and see if we would be match! Thank you!
The Genesis Group, Surrogacy Agency
Commented on June 29th, 2015 11:41AM [EDT]
Become apart of our surrogate *** The Genesis Group!
Hi Sarah,may I ask if you are still looking to be a surrogate and if you are available to start the process right away?I work with an agency and have many IPs looking for a surrogate right now.Assuming all your screenings went well we would love to match you.At our agency we pride ourselves in the relationships we develop with both the IPs as well as our Surrogates.Some are uneasy about the idea of using an agency due to some bad experiences.Using our agency vs doing it yourself ensures that you are represented and taken care of properly.With our agency we'd be with you every step of the way.We offer a generous Benefit Package which includes medical insurance coverage, monthly allowances, and making sure all your expenses, travel fees, etc are all covered.If you are interested in being matched and would like to know more about our agency and the next steps you'd be looking at please contact me.I would love to set up a phone consult with you.Is there a number & day/time I can reach you at?I look forward to hearing from you and getting you matched right away!
Worldwide Surrogacy Specialists, LLC, Surrogacy Agency
Commented on June 29th, 2015 09:51AM [EDT]
Worldwide Surrogacy Specialists
Hi Sarah, have you considered using an agency for Gestational Surrogacy? I see that you are an experienced carrier in which many of our IP's prefer working with women who have gone through the process before! We have so many wonderful Intended Parents waiting to be matched with wonderful women like yourself so please feel free to visit our website for more information at *** or call or email our Surrogate Recruiter, Julia Steere at *** or if you have any questions.We have many incentives for joining with our agency and would love to speak with you further about them! Our director of surrogate services, Serena, was a 2 time surrogate herself, so she would be happy to answer any of the questions you may have as well.
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