I want to become a surrogate mother because children are the most precious gifts from God and its so many people who aren't able to conceive on their own and I would love to be part of making someone's family complete.
I'm a 30 year old female.I currently enrolled to attend a community college in January to pursue my Associate's Degree in Applied Science Registered Nursing.I have three beautiful daughters. Jalia is 8 years old and lives to eat! Jordynn is 6 years old and loves to sing and dance! Laila is 3 years old and is into pretty much anything! She is definitely my “boy”. The love I have for my kids is indescribable that's why I'm so eager to give someone else the blessing of raising a child.
Dear Intended Parents, I don't understand the trials you all may have been through on the journey of having a family because it happened easily for me. I do understand the feeling of wanting a family, raising kids of your own, making memories. I'm wanting to become a surrogate to make someone's family complete and give them the joy of children.