Surrogate Mothers in Fort Collins, CO

Surrogate Mothers in Fort Collins, CO 5

American Surrogate Mother, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Location:USA / Colorado / Fort Collins
Own Child: I have 3 children of my own
Date registered:July 5th, 2020 [EDT]
Last login:September 18th, 2023 [EDT]
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American Surrogate Mother, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Location:USA / Colorado / Fort Collins
Own Child: I have 1 child of my own
Date registered:September 4th, 2017 [EDT]
Last login:March 15th, 2024 [EDT]
Having a child is the single most glorious and life altering thing that has ever happened to me and I would love to help someone else bring that love into their lives. ...
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Filipino Surrogate Mother, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Location:USA / Colorado / Fort Collins
Own Child: I have 1 child of my own
Date registered:June 29th, 2017 [EDT]
Last login:June 30th, 2017 [EDT]
I want to help a family have a child of their own. I was good at being pregnant and giving birth because I had no complications and very little symptoms. I want to do this while I can still use my hea ...
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American Surrogate Mother, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Location:USA / Colorado / Fort Collins
Own Child: I have 1 child of my own
Date registered:December 5th, 2016 [EDT]
Last login:January 16th, 2017 [EDT]
I have friends who can never have children or have lost their own child to unforseen circumstances so i only have my own perspective but it seems to be a heartbreaking reality and if i am done havin ...
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American Surrogate Mother, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Location:USA / Colorado / Fort Collins
Own Child: I have 2 children of my own
Date registered:December 7th, 2014 [EDT]
Last login:June 21st, 2016 [EDT]
I have watched friends and extended family struggle with infertility. It breaks my heart and so in high school I decided one day I would do everything I can to help. I'm happy to say that now my husba ...
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