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Tziporah Lin, American Intended Parent in Los Angeles, California, USA

Tziporah Lin
Member Type
Intended Parent
Los Angeles
Date Registered
8 years ago
Profile Updated
8 years ago
Last Login
8 years ago
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Intended Parent from Los Angeles, California, USA.

Looking to Connect With
Surrogate Mothers

My Couple Type
Lesbian Couple

Marital Status

My Age

My Nationality

My Race

My Religion

My Spoken Language(s)


My Education

I'm Willing to Travel

Number of Children (non surrogate)

I've Had a Surrogate/Donor Before

Number of Surrogate Children

Prefer Surrogates/Donors Ages

I've Budgeted for Surrogacy Expenses

Prefer Surrogates/Donors from
Canada, USA

Explain your reasons for wanting a surrogate/donor:

My wife and I are both unable to carry a child.My wife's uterus is unfortunately impacted by fibroids, scar tissue and is too small.As it turns out, I have a blood disorder that causes miscarriages in addition to PCOS.I've had five failed IVFs resulting in chromosomal abnormal embryos.This is quite common with PCOS.We have two genetically perfect embryos ready for transfer and are working to get more.Ideally we will have two children, one from my biology and one from my wife's.We are open to surrogates between the ages of 25-42.

How would you best describe yourself(s):

Fun, playful, curious, open, life learners, ginormous hearts, practice non-duality, optimistic, truth seekers, authentically self expressed, reasonable, fair, have integrity, professionals, givers, nerds, foodies, love outdoors, love traveling, we love RUMI, We've created a website to help on our adventure.

Use this space to communicate a letter to potential Surrogates/Donors:

Hello, I'm Esther and my wife is Lin. We are intended parents living in Los Angeles searching for our low comp/altruistic Gestational Surrogate.We currently have two genetically "perfect" embryos awaiting transfer.Ideally we would like to transfer one embryo at a time.While we are eager to get moving ASAP, we are committed to finding a compatible gestational surrogate.Having said that, if we were to find our surrogate rather quickly, we are all set to move forward right away.We are open to surrogates living in surrogate friendly states, preferably in California, Washington or Texas.We are some what flexible with residence states as long as they are surrogate friendly. We have been trying to conceive since *** and between the two of us, we have had 9 IVFs and spent an exorbitant amount of money.Hence the lower compensation.To finally arrive at a place where we can possibly transfer is a significant milestone to being able to fulfill on our commitment of having a family. A little back story - my wife had a life altering auto accident in the summer of *** that resulted in a spinal cord injury.She spent over a year where the majority of time she was immobilized in bed while I ran a business full time and cared for her.Finally, after trying many methods/medications to heal, she was able to get moving again through a surgery where they installed an artificial disc in her neck and then performed a cervical fusion using her stem cells. It would be a few more years after the surgery that she would return to a level similar to where she was pre the auto accident.During those years she worked hard in physical therapy, worked through the pain and kept her eyes on the prize of having a family.We both did.While in bed Lin stayed active relentlessly researching on how to have a family as a same sex couple.She grew up in the foster care system so having a biological family was always especially and extremely important to her.Contrary to her upbringing, I didn’t grow up in foster care but would agree that having a family of my own is equally important.Our desire to have a family pushed us through many dark nights of the soul.We feel abundantly blessed that our adversity deepened who we are and deepened our relationship. We both never imagined during those times that once we made it through to the other side we would need a surrogate to make our strongest desires a reality.But here we are today... We are optimistic, deeply caring, warm, givers, dare I say spiritual, emotionally and financially stable professionals who have been together for 7 years.Married since *** live our life in gratitude. Even though we haven’t met our gestational surrogate yet, we know you are out there.We are already in the deepest gratitude to you for the gift of your existence.It would be very helpful if our gestational surrogate already has surrogate friendly health insurance although we are open to purchasing surrogate friendly insurance for our ideal surrogate. To learn more about our ideal surrogate continue reading below. Please feel free to message us here or send an email to us with any questions or if interested in exploring a potential connection. We have a saying in our home, "We leave people, places and things better than we found them." Some have a desire to leave a legacy by the success they achieve in business or personal wealth - we want to have a legacy of giving our collective future as human beings, the gift of children who, if all goes well, will become individuals who leave people, places and things better than we they found them. We wish everyone success on their journeys. Thanks for taking the time to consider us, Lin and Esther

Los Angeles

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Jenna, Surrogate Mother
Commented on August 5th, 2017 11:44PM [EDT]
Hello, If you are by chance still looking for a surrogate I'd be more than happy to talk with you about helping you start a family. While I'm from Michigan and the surrogacy law strictly prohibits compensation - I'm OK with this. I don't want children but it is a goal of mine to experience pregnancy. I've also become familiar with some other specifics of Michigan surrogacy law after having talked with a lawyer who deals in these matters. Hope to hear from you and wish you all the best!
Christi, Surrogate Mother
Commented on July 22nd, 2017 01:59AM [EDT]
I would be honored to give your family roots & wings!
Please take a look at my profile. It's so hard to get to know a person this way. You two sound awesome...will I adopt me? ;) *mommy2b thoughts for u2!
Tiara, Surrogate Mother
Commented on July 9th, 2017 12:31PM [EDT]
Hello. I would love to assist you in this journey if the opportunity is still available. Yes it will be my first time but I believe I am the perfect candidate!
Danielle, Egg Donor
Commented on March 1st, 2017 05:45PM [EDT]
Surrogate /egg doner
I would love to be able to help you have a baby
Surro, Surrogate Mother
Commented on February 22nd, 2017 12:48PM [EDT]
Hi.That’s sad :( I would like to help and I would go altruistic. Just PM me . Thanks.
Ashley , Surrogate Mother
Commented on January 21st, 2017 11:29PM [EDT]
Surrogate mother
Hi Esther and Lin, I am new to the surrogacy life but I am not new to having healthy pregnancies! I have two wonderful healthy children, an 8 year old boy and a 5 year old girl. I have carried to term both times and have never had any health issues with the babies nor myself! I am a down to earth person who loves children and would love to give you the chance to share your love with a child of your own! I am a college graduate with an Associates degree in Pastry Arts, I am a stay at home mother, actively involved with my children and atndll their activities in using cheerleading and soccer! If I seem like a good match for you two, and I hope I am, let me know, I would love to discuss further details!!
Shandrieka, Surrogate Mother
Commented on January 1st, 2017 09:45PM [EDT]
Hi! If you haven't found anyone yet please contact me at *** my name is Shandrieka btw
Amber, Surrogate Mother
Commented on November 9th, 2016 08:40PM [EDT]
Hello are you still seeking a surrogate ?
JOANNA, Surrogate Mother
Commented on October 25th, 2016 11:23AM [EDT]
Good Morning
I understand the desire to add children to your family. I would like to help you add a baby to your family. Message me if you are interested in discussing this further Joanna
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