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Mariya, Ethiopian Surrogate Mother in Athens, Greece

Member Type
Surrogate Mother
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Date Registered
9 years ago
Profile Updated
9 years ago
Last Login
7 years ago
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Surrogate Mother from Athens, Greece.

Currently Working With Agency
Not Known

Number of Children (non-surrogate)

Number of Surrogate Children




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I am a Smoker

I Have a Passport

Willing to Travel

My Blood Type is



Have You Been a Surrogate Before?

Marital Status
Single (no partner)

Why I want to be a surrogate mother:

I want to help others to became a parents.


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Steve, Intended Parent
Commented on November 26th, 2020 01:11PM [EDT]
Hi Ellina! I would be happy if you could help me to become a parent. please pm me. Thanks!
charis, Intended Parent
Commented on November 24th, 2018 06:47AM [EDT]
Looking for surrogate mother
Hello, We are a cypriot couple and we looking for our frozen embryos a surrogate mother. Please contact us if you interesing for more details. Thank you
Niki, Intended Parent
Commented on January 4th, 2018 04:02AM [EDT]
Looking for a surrogate in Greece/Cyprus
Hello Mariya. I hope you're doing well. I'm looking for a surrogate in Greece or Cyprus. Are you still available? Thank you.
Argiro, Intended Parent
Commented on May 28th, 2016 02:48AM [EDT]
Surrogacy in Athens
Hi I live in Greece and need someone to help me have a child I Athens. Please contact me to discuss. Thank you!
Claudia, Intended Parent
Commented on April 7th, 2016 05:59AM [EDT]
Can you help me?
Hi, I am a mother of two children and my and my husband´s greatest wish is to have baby number three.:-) We live in Germany.My son was born in *** husband and me are the biological parents.For a following pregnancy I needed several IVF attempts .At the 4th attempt ( we took my egg cells and for the first time sperm donor) I had two embryos - so woderful!! One was transfered and one is still frozen.I made PGD with the acgh method.Some became blastozysts, but after PGD only two were genetically inconspicuous.Pregnancy was without complications as well as the birth of my daughter in December *** there were massive complications afterbirth.The placenta could not be replaced.It connated with the womb and it came to bleedings.The team of doctors had to eliminate the womb...and so I cannot carry one more child.Lotta, my daughter, is so sweet, so great.I love her so much (as well as my son of course:-)), but I often look at her beautifull face and think of "the other"(embryo.-)) that is still frozen at the Reprofit clinic in Brno (czech republic).Now we want to give this embryo a chance and need a nice woman who could help me.The transfer would be in Octobre since we have to live in Greece for some months until we get the positive court decision.The transfer would be in the Czech Rep., but we would arrange everything.They speak English in this clinic.We would drive to Brno, too, and drive you and your friend or sister (whoever you would like to be with you during these days) to the clinic and back.Of course, wen would pay the travel costs and also give you *** Euros extra for the waiting time (six months until you have the transfer)...If you are interested and still available I would like you to caontact me as soon as possible!!!
Gebsen, Intended Parent
Commented on January 28th, 2016 03:48AM [EDT]
Hello, my name is Gérard from Belgium and I’m looking for a surrogate mother. I Already have embryos and all I need is a surrogate.If interested you may reach me and we will talk
Talia, Intended Parent
Commented on January 20th, 2016 05:35AM [EDT]
be our angel
you are our angel We are a couple married and trying for baby for more than 9 years naturally, with 5 IUI and with 5 IVF all fell. only you, our angel, can spread your wings to come to our rescue and give us the pleasure to be parent. Please help
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