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Aylah, American Surrogate Mother in Mc Minnville, Tennessee, USA

Member Type
Surrogate Mother
Mc Minnville
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Date Registered
8 years ago
Profile Updated
8 years ago
Last Login
7 years ago
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Surrogate Mother from Mc Minnville, Tennessee, USA.

My Current Surrogacy Status is
Currently Not Available

Currently Working With Agency
Not Known

Im Willing to Help Couples of
Heterosexual Couple, Gay Couple, Lesbian Couple, Single Woman, Single Man

I Agree to these Surrogate Types

Number of Children (non-surrogate)

Number of Surrogate Children




My Health is

My Spoken Languages

My Education is

I am a Smoker

I Have a Passport

Willing to Travel

My Blood Type is



Have You Been a Surrogate Before?

Marital Status
Single (with partner)

Why I want to be a surrogate mother:

I originally wanted to be an egg donor but things didn't work out. But I still want to help others with their dreams of having their own children.

Description of myself:

My name is Aylah. I'm 24, do not smoke, drink or use any recreational drugs. I enjoy reading, writing, painting and hiking when the weather is nice. I'm not very athletic but I'm currently trying to get in shape and be healthier. I work at a local church daycare. The children are from the ages of three months to five years.

My letter to intended parents:

If you have any questions at all about me or my lifestyle, feel free to message me. I am very honest about my life and am very friendly. Thank you for reading my profile and for any interest you have.

Mc Minnville
(997) (0)
by Aylah on March 12th, 2016 under Surrogate Mother
Hello everyone whose reading my blog! Here my journey so far, its pretty short. I was very interested in donating my eggs, but sadly because of my medical problems I was not a good match for donation.... Read more

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Sarah, Intended Parent
Commented on July 4th, 2016 10:54PM [EDT]
My situation is rather similar to Miranda's. I have two children of my own, and had my tubes tied going on 4 years ago. I thought my now ex and I would be together forever and well obviously we aren't. My fiance and I want to have a child of our own and this is my first time looking into something like this due to not having the money to get the surgery reversed and not even knowing if I would ever be able to get pregnant even if I did have it reversed. Thank you so much for your consideration.
miranda, Intended Parent
Commented on March 17th, 2016 11:47PM [EDT]
Please help
Hi my fiance and I are in need of u. I have three children of my own he has none and I can no longer have children because of last relationship. Thought it was a forever thing and it didn't work out but had got my tubes tied five years before we broke up. We cannot afford to get my tubes untied. Was wondering and hoping if u could hell us out for free. We love kids so much and I always wanted more.
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