I want to help a family that cannot have children on their own
Description of myself:
Outgoing, funny, love to read, love to travel, love to plan events
My letter to intended parents:
I have 2 beautiful children and know how having children changes your life. They are my 2 greatest accomplishments and I adore them. I think (almost) everyone deserves the opportunity to be a parent.
Looking as soon as possible
We have lost 2 pregnancies and if this round of fertility doesn't take we need to look into surrogacy. We want our rainbow baby so badly. And it hurt so deeply to lose 2 children with one being over 4 months. Please let me know if you are available. We are non smokers (he vapes) in the area seeing an excellent specialist in high risk as well as an IVF specialist but emotionally we don't know if we can handle continual let downs or another loss. I lost an ovary and a tube. Please let us know.
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We have lost 2 pregnancies and if this round of fertility doesn't take we need to look into surrogacy. We want our rainbow baby so badly. And it hurt so deeply to lose 2 children with one being over 4 months. Please let me know if you are available. We are non smokers (he vapes) in the area seeing an excellent specialist in high risk as well as an IVF specialist but emotionally we don't know if we can handle continual let downs or another loss. I lost an ovary and a tube. Please let us know.
are u still availble?we are from chicgo and want to find a surrogacy, the clinic is also in chicago, pls kindly reply thx a lot.