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Deborah, Surrogate Mother in Lagos, Nigeria

Member Type
Surrogate Mother
Date Registered
6 years ago
Profile Updated
5 years ago
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Surrogate Mother from Lagos, Nigeria.

My Current Surrogacy Status is

Currently Working With Agency

Why I want to be a surrogate mother:

Giving birth to my three children were three of the most incredible experiences of my life. It’s still hard to believe I was able to create such perfect little life forms. I’m not done giving life, even if it isn’t practical for my family to have more children. By being a surrogate, I can continue to give life and help another family experience the joy of having a family . I love being a mother and feel so terrible for women who can’t have their own children one of the points always is been compensated. My children are young, and I want to stay home with them, they change so fast and I don’t want to miss anything. Being a surrogate mother allows me to make enough money that I can stay home with the kids and still contribute to our household income Lastly, I want to help another family experience the miracle of parenthood. I love children, they are a miracle and I’m eternally grateful that I was able to have mine when I wanted to. Many families are never able to conceive or carry to term, which means they might never experience the miracle of parenthood. If, by becoming a surrogate mother, I can help one or more of these families’ experience parenthood I will have added love to the universe.

Description of myself:

My name is Deborah James I'm 39 year old, married- with three kids, my husband and I have been married 10 and half years now, but we’ve been together 20 in total. I have one girl and two boys of my own.my oldest son is sixteen, the sister is fourteen and the last boy is ten. I work as a class teacher, and I love it, but I still work as after school Nanny for a friend, which is very challenge. I don’t know, I have an obsession for helping people. I'm enjoying a lot of new things because I just got the job, I've spent a year now taking care of her baby. I’ve never been a surrogate mother before, I just though I should try it by helping to put a smile on a family face since I have these passion for helping people.

My letter to intended parents:

Thank you for considering me as your surrogate! I’m excited to potentially begin this journey with you! Whether you have children already or you’re about to be blessed with you first, my biggest piece of advice is to hold on tight for the ride of your lives! Becoming a parent has become the greatest adventure of my life…and my greatest accomplishment. My husband and I met when I was 17 and he was 21; we dated for one year then parted ways. Fast-forward four years and we reconnected at my college graduation and the rest is history! We were married 18 months later and always knew we would someday have children but never put a timeline on it. My husband and I were each the first in our families to get married but each set of would-be grandparents never asked when we planned to have kids, they just let us enjoy our time together. Three years ago we purchased our own home and then encountered the inevitable, “what next” moment. I came around to the idea of having a baby much faster than my husband did but it didn’t happen nearly as quickly as we (mainly me!) hoped! Finally after eight months we arrived home from vacation and surprise…I was pregnant! I remember when I told my husband…he just let out a big sigh…I still think he was in shock! A week before my 31st birthday and after being married for almost eight years, our sweet Kennedy was born and our world was forever changed! quite the spirited little girl! Just yesterday we went to Walmart and much to my surprise, she greeted every passerby with “hi!” and with the biggest grins I’ve ever seen! As people spoke to her and smiled back, she surprised me again by waving and saying “bye!” To…every…single…person! 🙂 It made for a long trip to Walmart but I loved every bit of it! It’s moments like those that I look forward to for you! When Kennedy walks up to me with her little lips pursed and offers a kiss without prompting…my heart melts! Those moments are awaiting you! The giggles and shrieks when the dog’s tail wags in her face, the melt-downs when you take away something she shouldn’t have, her little arms wrapped tightly around my neck…every bit of it is all part of my greatest accomplishment! I never knew being a parent would be this amazing and I love every exhausting second of it! With that being said, I know this might be difficult for you and I respect that! I want you to know that I realize how hard it is to trust someone else with your precious child. Please know that I don’t take lightly your trust in me! I can’t wait to share this journey with you; thank you again for considering me! 🙂😉 Sincerely. Deborah J


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Bernard, Intended Parent
Commented on October 31st, 2018 08:44PM [EDT]
How do i get to you via phone or something
, Surrogacy Agency
Commented on September 17th, 2018 09:37AM [EDT]
Hi, are you a surrogate mother? Contact me.
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