Whatsapp me on zero eight one one eight three one seven seven one one I want to advance more in my career, hence the finance. If you are willing to embark on your ivf journey with me, kindly contact me on my WhatsApp no. I need very sincere and trustworthy intending parents who understand what it is to go through this 9 months process and are willing to support me as well. I hope together we can make this a success.
Whatsapp me on zero eight one one eight three one seven seven one one My name is Gbemi. I'm a free minded individual who poses no threat to the least arachnid. I'm educated. I would describe myself as a goal getter, who would do anything to achieve success. Im highly intelligent and much available for the job at hand; be it egg donation or surrogacy itself
Much love from here dear loved ones. Let's get to this and make it work. Whether single or married, with God on our side, it would work. Baby dust to you dear ones.