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Nathasia , Surrogate Mother in Bali, Indonesia

Member Type
Surrogate Mother
Date Registered
1 year ago
Profile Updated
1 year ago
Last Login
2 months ago
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Surrogate Mother from Bali, Indonesia.

Currently Working With Agency
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Yousef, Intended Parent
Commented on March 11th, 2023 09:11PM [EDT]
My name is Mano I'm working as a dog trainer lately. I used to be an entrepreneur for the most part of my life. I lived in Bali for 2.5 years and I've also married. However my wife eggs unfortunately are not properly in order for her to carry a child so we are looking for the second best option. We're both successful in our respective fields. And we can give the child everything that is important. She is a manager at a bank. As for me im a very healthy person, I have never been sick, never had any other diseases it ailments my while my whole life. I'm 187cm tall, handsome and have no genetic association with any serious diseases such as heart issues, or stroke or anything like that. throughout my whole family I am half Swedish and Half Palestinian. I have a huge family contains around 1500-2000 people.
Yousef, Intended Parent
Commented on March 11th, 2023 09:10PM [EDT]
My name is Mano I'm working as a dog trainer lately. I used to be an entrepreneur for the most part of my life. I lived in Bali for 2.5 years and I've also married. However my wife eggs unfortunately are not properly in order for her to carry a child so we are looking for the second best option. We're both successful in our respective fields. And we can give the child everything that is important. She is a manager at a bank. As for me im a very healthy person, I have never been sick, never had any other diseases it ailments my while my whole life. I'm 187cm tall, handsome and have no genetic association with any serious diseases such as heart issues, or stroke or anything like that. throughout my whole family I am half Swedish and Half Palestinian. I have a huge family contains around 1500-2000 people.
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