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Surrogacy Laws India | Surrogacy Lawyer | New Delhi, India

Surrogacy Laws India
Member Type
Surrogacy Lawyer
New Delhi
Date Registered
10 years ago
Profile Updated
10 years ago
Last Login
9 years ago
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We provide legal services and family building options for Surrogate Mothers, Intended Parents, Egg Donors, Sperm Donors for Heterosexual Couple, Gay Couple, Lesbian Couple, Single Woman, Single Man. Contact us for advise on third party reproductive law.

Practice/Firm Name
Surrogacy Laws India

Contact Name
Surrogacy Laws India

We Assist the Following Groups
Surrogate Mothers, Intended Parents, Egg Donors, Sperm Donors

Willing to Assist Couples Types of
Heterosexual Couple, Gay Couple, Lesbian Couple, Single Woman, Single Man

We Provide the Following Services
Legal Support/Lawyers, Social Workers, Surrogacy Applications and Contracts, Journey Coordinators, Crisis Support

About Us

Surrogacy Laws India is the most premier law firms of India practicing exclusively in Surrogacy, Assisted Reproductive Technology & Infertility laws of world. We have triggered some of the significant and positive changes in Indian Surrogacy Scenario. Possessing the knowledge of surrogacy laws of world we have been reviewed by our clients as saviour in the most complex legal limbos in International cases. We have assisted many hundreds International & National couples/singles to have a hassle free legal surrogacy journey in India. We provide all kind of legal assistance to Intended Parents right from Legal Counselling; Surrogacy Contracts; Assistance in Ministry Investigation; Passport; Exit visa; Parental declaration in India & International court.

New Delhi
23 Lawyers Chamber, Delhi High Court

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Seema, Intended Parent
Commented on November 11th, 2015 06:32PM [EDT]
Lawyer for suurofacy
Need a lawyer to start surrogacy But confused now due to new law Lee a married Indian couple with USA passport but have oci card
Surrogacy Laws India, Surrogacy Lawyer
Commented on November 28th, 2014 09:19AM [EDT]
All are welcome
Caro Leo , Grazie per il vostro apprezzamento .Siamo consapevoli che c'è molta confusione che circonda le leggi di maternità surrogata .Se in tale situazione il nostro dare risposta ad un genitore ,,, che vuole nulla da noi, ma un piccolo aiuto per realizzare il suo sogno di avere una child..then dobbiamo aiutare .Cerchiamo di rispondere alla domanda di tutti se la persona sia un millionarie o una povera madre surrogata .stai attento
Leo, Intended Parent
Commented on November 26th, 2014 03:55AM [EDT]
coppia gay sposata negli usa residenti in Italia
Salve desideravamo sapere se una coppia gay può intraprendere un percorso di surrogacy gestazionale in India e che tipo di certezze legali si possono avere ...grazie per l'interesse attendendo risposta vi auguriamo buon lavoro
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